川崎 努 重岡 成 内海 龍太郎 深溝 慶 松田 一彦 森山 達哉
川崎 努
Bacterial effector modulation of host E3 ligase activity suppresses PAMP-triggered immunity in rice. Ishikawa, K., Yamaguchi, K., Sakamoto, K., Yoshimura, S., Inoue, K., Tsuge, S., Kojima, C., and Kawasaki, T. (2014) Nat. Commun . 5: 5430.
N. Selective regulation of chitin-induced defense response by the Arabidopsis receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase PBL27. Shinya, T., Yamaguchi, K., Desaki, Y., Yamada, K., Narisawa, T., Kobayashi, Y., Maeda, K., Suzuki, M., Tanimoto, T., Takeda, J., Nakashima, M., Funama, R., Narusaka, M., Narusaka, Y., Kaku, H., *Kawasaki, T., and *Shibuya (2014) Plant J. , 79: 56-66 *Co-corresponding authors.
The crystal structure of the plant small GTPase OsRac1 reveals its mode of binding to NADPH oxidase. Kosami, K.I., Ohki, I., Nagano, M., Furutani, K., Sugiki, T., Kawano, Y., Kawasaki, T., Fujiwara, T., Nakagawa, A., Shimamoto, K., and Kojima, C. (2014) J. Biol. Chem. , 289: 28569-28578.
Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of a rice Rac/Rop GTPase, OsRac1. Kosami, K.I., Ohki, I., Hayashi, K., Tabata, R., Usugi, S., Kawasaki, T., Fujiwara, T., Nakagawa, A., Shimamoto, K., and Kojima, C. (2014) Acta Cristallogr. F. Struct. Biol. Commun. 70: 113-115.
Yamaguchi, K, Nakamura, Y, Ishikawa, K, Yoshimura, Y, Tsuge, S, Kawasaki, T. (2013) Suppression of rice immunity by the Xanthomonas oryzae type III effector Xoo2875. Biosci. Biotechnol Biochem, 77, 796-801.
Yamaguchi K, Yamada K, and Kawasaki T. (2013) Receptor-like cytoplasmic kinases are pivotal components in pattern recognition receptor-mediated signaling in plant immunity.Plant Signal Behav , 8: e25662.
Kosami KI, Ohki I, Hayashi K, Tabata R, Usugi S, Kawasaki T, Fujiwara T, Nakagawa A, Shimamoto K, Kojimai C (2014) Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of a rice Rac/Rop GTPase, OsRac1. Acta Cristallographica Section F , 70, 113-115.
川崎 努 植物における免疫誘導と病原微生物の感染戦略、ライフサイエンス領域融合レビュー , 2, e008 (2013)
The bHLH Rac immunity1 (RAI1) is activated by OsRac1 via OsMAPK3 and OsMAPK6 in rice Immunity. Kim SH, Oikawa T, Kyozuka J, Wong HL, Umemura K, Kishi-Kaboshi M, Takahashi A, Kawano Y, Kawasaki T and Shimamoto K.Plant Cell. Physiol. , 53: 740-754 (2012)
OsRap2.6 transcription factor contributes to rice innate immunity through its interaction with Receptor for Activated Kinase-C 1 (RACK1). Wamaitha MJ, Yamamoto R, Wong HL, Kawasaki T, Kawano Y, and Shimamoto K. Rice , 5:35 (2012)
A receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase targeted by a plant pathogen effector is directly phosphorylated by the chitin receptor and mediates rice immunity. Yamaguchi K, Yamada K, Ishikawa K, Yoshimura S, Hayashi N, Uchihashi K, Ishihama N, Kishi-Kaboshi M, Takahashi A, Tsuge S, Ochiai H, Tada Y, Shimamoto K, Yoshioka H , and Kawasaki T. Cell Host Microbe , in press
Yamaguchi K, Imai K, Akamatsu A, Mihashi M, Hayashi N, Shimamoto K, and Kawasaki T. (2012) SWAP70 functions as a Rac/Rop guanine nucleotide-exchange factor in rice.Plant J. , in press
Yamaguchi K, and Kawasaki T. (2012) Function of Arabidopsis SWAP70 GEF in immune response.Plant Signal. Behav. in press
Kawano, Y., Akamatsu, A., Hayashi, K., Housen, Y., Okuda, J., Nakashima, A.,Takahashi, H., Yoshida, H., Wong, H.L., Kawasaki, T., and Shimamoto, K. (2010) Activation of a Rac GTPase by the NLR family disease resistance protein Pit plays a critical role in rice innate immunity.Cell Host Microbe 7, 362-375
Chen, L., Hamada, S., Fujiwara, M., Zhu, T., Thao, N., Wong, H.L., Krishna, P., Ueda, T., Kaku, H., Shibuya, N., Kawasaki, T. and Shimamoto, K. (2010) Hop/Sti1 and HSP90 are involved in maturation and transport of a PAMP receptor in rice innate immunity.Cell Host Microbe 7, 185-196
Nakashima, A., Chen, L., Thao, N.P., Fujiwara, M., Wong, H.L., Kuwano, M., Umemura, K., Shirasu, K., Kawasaki, T., and Shimamoto, K. (2008) RACK1 functions in rice innate immunity by interacting with the Rac1 immune complex.Plant Cell 20, 2265-2279
山口公志:” 植物免疫シグナル伝達経路の解明と 耐病性植物の開発への展望” 第14回けいはんな地区植物科学懇談会、京都 2014年11月11日
山口公志:”植物免疫におけるMAPキナーゼカスケードの活性化メカニズムの解析” 日本植物病理学会関西部会若手の会、富山 2014年9月26日
川崎 努:”Xanthomonasエフェクターによる宿主のユビキチン修飾系の制御” 植物細菌病談話、岡山 レスパール藤ヶ鳴2014年10月9-10日
Kawasaki, T. “Biological function of Xanthomonas effectors in suppression of plant immunity”. The 13th International Conference on Plant Pathogenic Bacteria. Shanghai, China Jun 8-14, 2014
川崎努`“植物の病原菌認識受容体における免疫反応の誘導機構” 日本生体防御学会シンポジム「動物・植物・微生物の生体防御と、そのマスター分子活性酸素」2013年7月9‐12日(くまもと森都心プラザ)
川崎 努 ”Suppression of pattern recognition receptor-mediated plant immunity by bacterial effector”日本細菌学会ワークショップ「植物と動物の自然免疫に関する類似と相違」2014年3月26-28日(タワーホール船堀)
川崎努、山口公志、石川和也、山田健太、吉村悠矢「エフェクターによるイネ免疫信号伝達系の抑制機構」日本植物生理学会・シンポジウム、2013年3月21-23日 (オーガナイザー)(岡山)
川崎 努「病原菌の感染から身を守る植物の免疫機構」私立大学戦略的基盤形成支援事業 アグリバイオシンポジウム2012、2012年12月8日(奈良)
川崎 努「植物と病原菌の分子レベルの戦い」第12回けいはんな地区植物科学懇談会、2012年11月29日(奈良)
川崎 努「植物の免疫と病原菌の感染戦略」平成24年度近畿植物学会講演会、2012年11月10日(奈良)
川崎努、山口公志、石川和也、吉村智美、山田健太、吉村悠矢「イネにおけるPAMPs誘導抵抗性の情報伝達機構と病原菌の感染戦略」平成24年度植物感染生理談話会、 2012年8月30日-9月1日 (滋賀)
川崎努、病原菌エフェクターが標的とする植物免疫因子の機能解明、第3回高知大学植物健康基礎医学シンポジウム、2011年8月7-8日 (高知大学)
Bacterial effector modulation of host E3 ligase activity suppresses PAMP-triggered immunity in rice. Ishikawa, K., Yamaguchi, K., Sakamoto, K., Yoshimura, S., Inoue, K., Tsuge, S., Kojima, C., and Kawasaki, T. (2014)
N. Selective regulation of chitin-induced defense response by the Arabidopsis receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase PBL27. Shinya, T., Yamaguchi, K., Desaki, Y., Yamada, K., Narisawa, T., Kobayashi, Y., Maeda, K., Suzuki, M., Tanimoto, T., Takeda, J., Nakashima, M., Funama, R., Narusaka, M., Narusaka, Y., Kaku, H., *Kawasaki, T., and *Shibuya (2014)
The crystal structure of the plant small GTPase OsRac1 reveals its mode of binding to NADPH oxidase. Kosami, K.I., Ohki, I., Nagano, M., Furutani, K., Sugiki, T., Kawano, Y., Kawasaki, T., Fujiwara, T., Nakagawa, A., Shimamoto, K., and Kojima, C. (2014)
Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of a rice Rac/Rop GTPase, OsRac1. Kosami, K.I., Ohki, I., Hayashi, K., Tabata, R., Usugi, S., Kawasaki, T., Fujiwara, T., Nakagawa, A., Shimamoto, K., and Kojima, C. (2014)
Yamaguchi, K, Nakamura, Y, Ishikawa, K, Yoshimura, Y, Tsuge, S, Kawasaki, T. (2013) Suppression of rice immunity by the Xanthomonas oryzae type III effector Xoo2875.
Yamaguchi K, Yamada K, and Kawasaki T. (2013) Receptor-like cytoplasmic kinases are pivotal components in pattern recognition receptor-mediated signaling in plant immunity.
Kosami KI, Ohki I, Hayashi K, Tabata R, Usugi S, Kawasaki T, Fujiwara T, Nakagawa A, Shimamoto K, Kojimai C (2014) Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of a rice Rac/Rop GTPase, OsRac1.
川崎 努 植物における免疫誘導と病原微生物の感染戦略、
The bHLH Rac immunity1 (RAI1) is activated by OsRac1 via OsMAPK3 and OsMAPK6 in rice Immunity. Kim SH, Oikawa T, Kyozuka J, Wong HL, Umemura K, Kishi-Kaboshi M, Takahashi A, Kawano Y, Kawasaki T and Shimamoto K.
OsRap2.6 transcription factor contributes to rice innate immunity through its interaction with Receptor for Activated Kinase-C 1 (RACK1). Wamaitha MJ, Yamamoto R, Wong HL, Kawasaki T, Kawano Y, and Shimamoto K.
A receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase targeted by a plant pathogen effector is directly phosphorylated by the chitin receptor and mediates rice immunity. Yamaguchi K, Yamada K, Ishikawa K, Yoshimura S, Hayashi N, Uchihashi K, Ishihama N, Kishi-Kaboshi M, Takahashi A, Tsuge S, Ochiai H, Tada Y, Shimamoto K, Yoshioka H , and Kawasaki T.
Yamaguchi K, Imai K, Akamatsu A, Mihashi M, Hayashi N, Shimamoto K, and Kawasaki T. (2012) SWAP70 functions as a Rac/Rop guanine nucleotide-exchange factor in rice.
Yamaguchi K, and Kawasaki T. (2012) Function of Arabidopsis SWAP70 GEF in immune response.
Kawano, Y., Akamatsu, A., Hayashi, K., Housen, Y., Okuda, J., Nakashima, A.,Takahashi, H., Yoshida, H., Wong, H.L., Kawasaki, T., and Shimamoto, K. (2010) Activation of a Rac GTPase by the NLR family disease resistance protein Pit plays a critical role in rice innate immunity.
Chen, L., Hamada, S., Fujiwara, M., Zhu, T., Thao, N., Wong, H.L., Krishna, P., Ueda, T., Kaku, H., Shibuya, N., Kawasaki, T. and Shimamoto, K. (2010) Hop/Sti1 and HSP90 are involved in maturation and transport of a PAMP receptor in rice innate immunity.
Nakashima, A., Chen, L., Thao, N.P., Fujiwara, M., Wong, H.L., Kuwano, M., Umemura, K., Shirasu, K., Kawasaki, T., and Shimamoto, K. (2008) RACK1 functions in rice innate immunity by interacting with the Rac1 immune complex.
山口公志:” 植物免疫シグナル伝達経路の解明と 耐病性植物の開発への展望” 第14回けいはんな地区植物科学懇談会、京都 2014年11月11日
山口公志:”植物免疫におけるMAPキナーゼカスケードの活性化メカニズムの解析” 日本植物病理学会関西部会若手の会、富山 2014年9月26日
川崎 努:”Xanthomonasエフェクターによる宿主のユビキチン修飾系の制御” 植物細菌病談話、岡山 レスパール藤ヶ鳴2014年10月9-10日
Kawasaki, T. “Biological function of Xanthomonas effectors in suppression of plant immunity”. The 13th International Conference on Plant Pathogenic Bacteria. Shanghai, China Jun 8-14, 2014
川崎努`“植物の病原菌認識受容体における免疫反応の誘導機構” 日本生体防御学会シンポジム「動物・植物・微生物の生体防御と、そのマスター分子活性酸素」2013年7月9‐12日(くまもと森都心プラザ)
川崎 努 ”Suppression of pattern recognition receptor-mediated plant immunity by bacterial effector”日本細菌学会ワークショップ「植物と動物の自然免疫に関する類似と相違」2014年3月26-28日(タワーホール船堀)
川崎努、山口公志、石川和也、山田健太、吉村悠矢「エフェクターによるイネ免疫信号伝達系の抑制機構」日本植物生理学会・シンポジウム、2013年3月21-23日 (オーガナイザー)(岡山)
川崎 努「病原菌の感染から身を守る植物の免疫機構」私立大学戦略的基盤形成支援事業 アグリバイオシンポジウム2012、2012年12月8日(奈良)
川崎 努「植物と病原菌の分子レベルの戦い」第12回けいはんな地区植物科学懇談会、2012年11月29日(奈良)
川崎 努「植物の免疫と病原菌の感染戦略」平成24年度近畿植物学会講演会、2012年11月10日(奈良)
川崎努、山口公志、石川和也、吉村智美、山田健太、吉村悠矢「イネにおけるPAMPs誘導抵抗性の情報伝達機構と病原菌の感染戦略」平成24年度植物感染生理談話会、 2012年8月30日-9月1日 (滋賀)
川崎努、病原菌エフェクターが標的とする植物免疫因子の機能解明、第3回高知大学植物健康基礎医学シンポジウム、2011年8月7-8日 (高知大学)
重岡 成
Maruta T., Miyazaki N., Nosaka R., Tanaka H., Padilla-Chacon D., Otori K., Kimura A., Tanabe N., Yoshimura K., Tamoi M. and Shigeoka S. A gain-of-function mutation of plastidic invertase alters nuclear gene expression with sucrose treatment partially via GENOMES UNCOUPLED1-mediated signaling. New Phytologist , in press
Tanaka H., Maruta T., Tamoi M., Yabuta, Y., Yoshimura K., Ishikawa T., and Shigeoka S. (2015) Transcriptional control of Vitamin C defective 2 and Tocopherol cyclase genes by light and plastid-derived signals: the partial involvement of GENOMES UNCOUPLED 1. Plant Sci . 231, 20-29
Yoshimura K., Ogawa T., Tsujimura M., Ishikawa K. and Shigeoka S. (2014) Ectopic expression of the human MutT-type Nudix hydrolase, hMTH1, confers enhanced tolerance to oxidative stress in Arabidopsis.Plant Cell Physiol . 55, 1534-1543
Maruta T., Noshi M., Nakamura M., Matsuda S., Tamoi M., Ishikawa T. and Shigeoka S. (2014) Ferulic acid 5-hydroxylase 1 is essential for expression of anthocyanin biosynthesis-associated genes and anthocyanin accumulation under photooxidative stress in Arabidopsis.Plant Sci . 219-220, 61-68
Yabuta, Y., Tanaka, H., Yoshimura, S., Suzuki, A., Tamoi, M., Maruta, T. and Shigeoka, S. (2013) Improvement of vitamin E quality and quantity in tobacco and lettuce by chloroplast genetic engineering. Transgenic Research. , 22, 391-402
Maruta, T., Ojiri, M., Noshi, M., Tamoi, M., Ishikawa, T. and Shigeoka, S. (2013) Activation of γ-aminobutyrate production by chloroplastic H2O2 is associated with oxidative stress response.Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. , 77, 422-425
Maruta, T., Noshi, M., Nakamura, M., Matsuda S., Tamoi, M., Ishikawa, T. and Shigeoka, S. Ferulic acid 5-hydroxylase 1 is essential for expression of anthocyanin biosynthesis-associated genes and anthocyanin accumulation under photooxidative stress in Arabidopsis.Plant Sci. , in press
The involvement of Arabidopsis glutathione peroxidase 8 in the suppression of oxidative damages in nucleus and cytosol.Gaber, A, Ogata, T., Maruta, T., Yoshimura, K., Tamoi, M., and Shigeoka S.Plant Cell Physiol. 53, 1596-1606 (2012)
Cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase 1 protects organelles against oxidative stress by wounding- and jasmonate-induced H2O2 in Arabidopsis plants. Maruta, T., Inoue, T., Noshi, M., Tamoi, M., Yabuta, Y., Yoshimura, K., Ishikawa, T. and Shigeoka, S.. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1820, 1901-1907 (2012)
Enzymatic and molecular characterization of Arabidopsis ppGpp pyrophosphohydrolase, AtNUDX26 Ito, D., Kato, T., Maruta, T., Tamoi, M., Yoshimura, K., and Shigeoka, S.. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 76, 2236-2241 (2012)
Maruta, T., Noshi, M., Tanouchi, A., Tamoi, M., Yabuta, Y., Yoshimura, K., Ishikawa, T., and Shigeoka, S. H2O2-triggered retrograde signaling from chloroplasts to nucleus plays a specific role in the response to stress. J. Biol. Chem. in press
Ito, D., Yoshimura, K., Ishikawa, K., Ogawa. T., Maruta, T. and Shigeoka, S. (2012) Comparative analysis of molecular characteristics of Arabidopsis CoA pyrophosphohydrolases, AtNUDX11, 15, and 15a. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 76, 139-147
Matsumura, H., Kai, A., Maeda, T., Tamoi, M., Satoh, A., Tamura, H., Hirose M., Ogawa T., Kizu N., Wadano, A., Inoue T. and Shigeoka S. (2011) Structure basis for the regulation of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase activity via the intrinsically disordered protein CP12. Structure 19, 1846-1854
Yoshimura, K., Mori, T., Yokoyama, K., Koike, Y., Tanabe, Y., Sato, N., Takahashi, H., Maruta, T. and Shigeoka, S. (2011) Identification of alternative splicing events regulated by an Arabidopsis serine/arginine-like protein, atSR45a, in response to high-light stress using a tiling array. Plant Cell Physiol. 52, 1786-1805
Yabuta, Y., Osada, R., Morishita, T., Nishizawa-Yokoi, A., Tamoi, M. Maruta,T. and Shigeoka, S. (2011) Involvement of Arabidopsis NAC transcription factor in the regulation of 20S and 26S proteasomes.Plant Sci. 181, 421-427
Nishizawa-Yokoi, A., Nosaka, R., Hayashi, H., Tainaka, H., Maruta, T., Tamoi, M., Ikeda, M., Ohme-Takagi, M., Yoshimura, K., Yabuta, Y. and Shigeoka, S. (2011) HsfA1d and HsfA1e involved in the transcriptional regulation of HsfA2 function as key regulators for Hsf signaling network in response to environmental stress. Plant Cell Physiol. 52, 933-945
Tamoi, M., Hiramatsu, Y., Nedachi, S., Otori, K., Tanabe, N., Maruta, T.and Shigeoka, S. (2011) Increase in the activity of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase in cytosol affects sugar partitioning and increases the lateral shoots in tobacco plants at elevated CO2 levels. Photosynth. Res. 108, 15-23
Maruta, T., Inoue, T., Tamoi, M., Yabuta, Y., Yoshimura, K., Ishikawa, T. and Shigeoka, S. (2011) Arabidopsis NADPH oxidases, AtrbohD and AtrbohF, are essential for jasmonic acid-induced expression of genes regulated by MYC2 transcription factor.Plant Sci. 180, 655–660
重岡成、横田明穂 (2011) 葉緑体ゲノムへの遺伝子導入による有用物質高含有植物の作出BIO INDUSTRY (バイオインダストリー) , 28(8)36-41
重岡成、田茂井政宏 (2011) 微細藻類ユーグレナ(Euglena)が持つ可能性電気協会報 5月号 20-25
Foyer, CH. and Shigeoka, S.(2011)Understanding oxidative stress and antioxidant functions to enhance photosynthesis.Plant Physiol. 155,93-100
Ishikawa, K., Yoshimura, K., Ogawa, T., Tamoi, M. and Shigeoka, S. (2010) AtNUDX6, an ADP-ribose/NADH pyrophosphohydrolase in Arabidopsis, positively regulates NPR1-dependent salicylic acid signaling.Plant Physiol. 152, 2000-2012
Maruta, T., Tanouchi, A., Tamoi, M., Yabuta, Y., Yoshimura, K., Ishikawa, T. and Shigeoka, S. (2010) Arabidopsis chloroplastic ascorbate peroxidase isoenzymes play a dual role in photoprotection and gene regulation under photooxidative stress.Plant Cell Physiol 51,190-200
Ogawa, T., Ishikawa, K., Harada, K., Fukusaki, E., Yoshimura, K. and Shigeoka, S. (2009) Overexpression of an ADP-ribose pyrophosphatase, AtNUDX2, confers enhanced tolerance to oxidative stress on Arabidopsis plants.Plant J. 57,289-301
田茂井政宏、重岡 成、栄養シグナルによる植物の代謝・形態形成制御機構、アグリバイオシンポジウム2014、2014年11月29日(近畿大学)
Masahiro Tamoi. Effects of improvement of photosynthetic carbon metabolism on plant productivity. Institute for Protein Research (IPR) International Seminar “Regulation and Environmental Adaptation of Photosynthesis: An Important Theme for Structural Life Science”. 2013年10月24日(大阪大学)
重岡 成、藻の仲間で未来を拓く!最新の栄養学とバイオ燃料への活用“元気で長生きの秘訣!”、石垣市公開市民講座、2013年6月3日、(石垣市健康福祉センター)
田茂井政宏、鈴木健吾、石川孝博、重岡 成、ユーグレナによるバイオ燃料生産基盤技術の開発、第15回マリンバイオテクノロジー学会大会シンポジウム、2013年6月1日(沖縄県市町村自治会館)
重岡 成、畑でつくるサプリメント、平成25年度公益社団法人日本農芸化学会北海道支部夏期シンホシウム「北の作物をはぐくむ」、2013年8月10日(旭川国際会議場)
重岡 成、光合成生物の環境ストレス応答・耐性の分子機構に関する研究、日本農芸化学会2013年度大会、2013年3月24日(仙台)、関西・中四国・西日本支部および日本ビタミン学会近畿・中国四国・九州沖縄地区合同大会特別講演、2013年9月5日(県立広島大学)
重岡 成、環境変化に対する光合成生物の生存戦略〜ビタミンによるレドックス制御を介した細胞応答〜、日本ビタミン学会 第64回大会 特別講演、2012年6月22日(長良川国際会議場)
重岡 成、レドックス制御を介した環境ストレス応答と分子育種、第30回日本植物細胞分子生物学会(生駒)大会・シンポジウム、シンポジウム「植物のストレス耐性の基礎研究から応用への展開」 、2012年8月3日(奈良先端科学技術大学院大学)
Shigeru Shigeoka “Improving environmental stress tolerance and growth of plants by molecular engineering” 2011 international symposium on plant Metabolism. Oct.19, 2011 Kyung Hee University, Korea
Shigeru Shigeoka “Molecular Engineering of Environmental Stress Tolerance and High Yield in Plants” Annual Meeting and Symposium of Korean Society of Applied Biological Chemistry Oct.20, 2011 Jeju, Korea
Shigeru Shigeoka “The crop improvement of tolerance to oxidative stresses” The 7th ACSA Conference (Asian Crop Science Association) Sep.27~29, 2011 IPB International Convention Center-Bogor, Indonesia
重岡 成「植物バイオで拓く未来 —ここまできた遺伝子組換え作物-」 バイオ部会平成23年度第1回例会 2011年7月1日
重岡 成「身体のサビを取る抗酸化ビタミンA,C,E(エース)」 近畿大学農学部公開講座「元気で長生きの秘訣!」2011年5月21日
Maruta T., Miyazaki N., Nosaka R., Tanaka H., Padilla-Chacon D., Otori K., Kimura A., Tanabe N., Yoshimura K., Tamoi M. and Shigeoka S. A gain-of-function mutation of plastidic invertase alters nuclear gene expression with sucrose treatment partially via GENOMES UNCOUPLED1-mediated signaling.
Tanaka H., Maruta T., Tamoi M., Yabuta, Y., Yoshimura K., Ishikawa T., and Shigeoka S. (2015) Transcriptional control of Vitamin C defective 2 and Tocopherol cyclase genes by light and plastid-derived signals: the partial involvement of GENOMES UNCOUPLED 1.
Yoshimura K., Ogawa T., Tsujimura M., Ishikawa K. and Shigeoka S. (2014) Ectopic expression of the human MutT-type Nudix hydrolase, hMTH1, confers enhanced tolerance to oxidative stress in Arabidopsis.
Maruta T., Noshi M., Nakamura M., Matsuda S., Tamoi M., Ishikawa T. and Shigeoka S. (2014) Ferulic acid 5-hydroxylase 1 is essential for expression of anthocyanin biosynthesis-associated genes and anthocyanin accumulation under photooxidative stress in Arabidopsis.
Yabuta, Y., Tanaka, H., Yoshimura, S., Suzuki, A., Tamoi, M., Maruta, T. and Shigeoka, S. (2013) Improvement of vitamin E quality and quantity in tobacco and lettuce by chloroplast genetic engineering.
Maruta, T., Ojiri, M., Noshi, M., Tamoi, M., Ishikawa, T. and Shigeoka, S. (2013) Activation of γ-aminobutyrate production by chloroplastic H2O2 is associated with oxidative stress response.
Maruta, T., Noshi, M., Nakamura, M., Matsuda S., Tamoi, M., Ishikawa, T. and Shigeoka, S. Ferulic acid 5-hydroxylase 1 is essential for expression of anthocyanin biosynthesis-associated genes and anthocyanin accumulation under photooxidative stress in Arabidopsis.
The involvement of Arabidopsis glutathione peroxidase 8 in the suppression of oxidative damages in nucleus and cytosol.Gaber, A, Ogata, T., Maruta, T., Yoshimura, K., Tamoi, M., and Shigeoka S.
Cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase 1 protects organelles against oxidative stress by wounding- and jasmonate-induced H2O2 in Arabidopsis plants. Maruta, T., Inoue, T., Noshi, M., Tamoi, M., Yabuta, Y., Yoshimura, K., Ishikawa, T. and Shigeoka, S..
Enzymatic and molecular characterization of Arabidopsis ppGpp pyrophosphohydrolase, AtNUDX26 Ito, D., Kato, T., Maruta, T., Tamoi, M., Yoshimura, K., and Shigeoka, S..
Maruta, T., Noshi, M., Tanouchi, A., Tamoi, M., Yabuta, Y., Yoshimura, K., Ishikawa, T., and Shigeoka, S. H2O2-triggered retrograde signaling from chloroplasts to nucleus plays a specific role in the response to stress.
Ito, D., Yoshimura, K., Ishikawa, K., Ogawa. T., Maruta, T. and Shigeoka, S. (2012) Comparative analysis of molecular characteristics of Arabidopsis CoA pyrophosphohydrolases, AtNUDX11, 15, and 15a.
Matsumura, H., Kai, A., Maeda, T., Tamoi, M., Satoh, A., Tamura, H., Hirose M., Ogawa T., Kizu N., Wadano, A., Inoue T. and Shigeoka S. (2011) Structure basis for the regulation of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase activity via the intrinsically disordered protein CP12.
Yoshimura, K., Mori, T., Yokoyama, K., Koike, Y., Tanabe, Y., Sato, N., Takahashi, H., Maruta, T. and Shigeoka, S. (2011) Identification of alternative splicing events regulated by an Arabidopsis serine/arginine-like protein, atSR45a, in response to high-light stress using a tiling array.
Yabuta, Y., Osada, R., Morishita, T., Nishizawa-Yokoi, A., Tamoi, M. Maruta,T. and Shigeoka, S. (2011) Involvement of Arabidopsis NAC transcription factor in the regulation of 20S and 26S proteasomes.
Nishizawa-Yokoi, A., Nosaka, R., Hayashi, H., Tainaka, H., Maruta, T., Tamoi, M., Ikeda, M., Ohme-Takagi, M., Yoshimura, K., Yabuta, Y. and Shigeoka, S. (2011) HsfA1d and HsfA1e involved in the transcriptional regulation of HsfA2 function as key regulators for Hsf signaling network in response to environmental stress.
Tamoi, M., Hiramatsu, Y., Nedachi, S., Otori, K., Tanabe, N., Maruta, T.and Shigeoka, S. (2011) Increase in the activity of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase in cytosol affects sugar partitioning and increases the lateral shoots in tobacco plants at elevated CO2 levels.
Maruta, T., Inoue, T., Tamoi, M., Yabuta, Y., Yoshimura, K., Ishikawa, T. and Shigeoka, S. (2011) Arabidopsis NADPH oxidases, AtrbohD and AtrbohF, are essential for jasmonic acid-induced expression of genes regulated by MYC2 transcription factor.
重岡成、横田明穂 (2011) 葉緑体ゲノムへの遺伝子導入による有用物質高含有植物の作出
重岡成、田茂井政宏 (2011) 微細藻類ユーグレナ(Euglena)が持つ可能性
Foyer, CH. and Shigeoka, S.(2011)Understanding oxidative stress and antioxidant functions to enhance photosynthesis.
Ishikawa, K., Yoshimura, K., Ogawa, T., Tamoi, M. and Shigeoka, S. (2010) AtNUDX6, an ADP-ribose/NADH pyrophosphohydrolase in Arabidopsis, positively regulates NPR1-dependent salicylic acid signaling.
Maruta, T., Tanouchi, A., Tamoi, M., Yabuta, Y., Yoshimura, K., Ishikawa, T. and Shigeoka, S. (2010) Arabidopsis chloroplastic ascorbate peroxidase isoenzymes play a dual role in photoprotection and gene regulation under photooxidative stress.
Ogawa, T., Ishikawa, K., Harada, K., Fukusaki, E., Yoshimura, K. and Shigeoka, S. (2009) Overexpression of an ADP-ribose pyrophosphatase, AtNUDX2, confers enhanced tolerance to oxidative stress on Arabidopsis plants.
田茂井政宏、重岡 成、栄養シグナルによる植物の代謝・形態形成制御機構、アグリバイオシンポジウム2014、2014年11月29日(近畿大学)
Masahiro Tamoi. Effects of improvement of photosynthetic carbon metabolism on plant productivity. Institute for Protein Research (IPR) International Seminar “Regulation and Environmental Adaptation of Photosynthesis: An Important Theme for Structural Life Science”. 2013年10月24日(大阪大学)
重岡 成、藻の仲間で未来を拓く!最新の栄養学とバイオ燃料への活用“元気で長生きの秘訣!”、石垣市公開市民講座、2013年6月3日、(石垣市健康福祉センター)
田茂井政宏、鈴木健吾、石川孝博、重岡 成、ユーグレナによるバイオ燃料生産基盤技術の開発、第15回マリンバイオテクノロジー学会大会シンポジウム、2013年6月1日(沖縄県市町村自治会館)
重岡 成、畑でつくるサプリメント、平成25年度公益社団法人日本農芸化学会北海道支部夏期シンホシウム「北の作物をはぐくむ」、2013年8月10日(旭川国際会議場)
重岡 成、光合成生物の環境ストレス応答・耐性の分子機構に関する研究、日本農芸化学会2013年度大会、2013年3月24日(仙台)、関西・中四国・西日本支部および日本ビタミン学会近畿・中国四国・九州沖縄地区合同大会特別講演、2013年9月5日(県立広島大学)
重岡 成、環境変化に対する光合成生物の生存戦略〜ビタミンによるレドックス制御を介した細胞応答〜、日本ビタミン学会 第64回大会 特別講演、2012年6月22日(長良川国際会議場)
重岡 成、レドックス制御を介した環境ストレス応答と分子育種、第30回日本植物細胞分子生物学会(生駒)大会・シンポジウム、シンポジウム「植物のストレス耐性の基礎研究から応用への展開」 、2012年8月3日(奈良先端科学技術大学院大学)
Shigeru Shigeoka “Improving environmental stress tolerance and growth of plants by molecular engineering” 2011 international symposium on plant Metabolism. Oct.19, 2011 Kyung Hee University, Korea
Shigeru Shigeoka “Molecular Engineering of Environmental Stress Tolerance and High Yield in Plants” Annual Meeting and Symposium of Korean Society of Applied Biological Chemistry Oct.20, 2011 Jeju, Korea
Shigeru Shigeoka “The crop improvement of tolerance to oxidative stresses” The 7th ACSA Conference (Asian Crop Science Association) Sep.27~29, 2011 IPB International Convention Center-Bogor, Indonesia
重岡 成「植物バイオで拓く未来 —ここまできた遺伝子組換え作物-」 バイオ部会平成23年度第1回例会 2011年7月1日
重岡 成「身体のサビを取る抗酸化ビタミンA,C,E(エース)」 近畿大学農学部公開講座「元気で長生きの秘訣!」2011年5月21日
内海 龍太郎
Eguchi Y, Utsumi R. (2014) Alkali Metals in addition to acidic pH activate the EvgS histidine kinase sensor in Escherichia coli.J. Bacteriol . 196, 3140-3149.
Eguchi Y, Utsumi R (2014) Two-component system in sensing and adaptation to acid stress in Escherichia coli in “Stress and environmental control of gene expression in bacteria” ed. By Frans J. de Bruijn,Wiley-Blackwell Publishers . Chapter 16.3 in press
Ishii E, Eguchi Y, Utsumi R. (2013) The activation mechanism of PhoQ/PhoP system by SafA, an auxiliary protein of histidine kinase in Escherichia coli.Biosci Biotechnol Biochem . 77, 814-819.
Igarashi M, Watanabe T, Hashida T, Umekita M, Hatano M, Yanagita Y, Kino H, Kimura T, Kinoshita N, Inouye K, Sawa R, Nishimura Y, Utsumi R, Nomoto A (2013) Waldiomycin, a novel WalK-histidine kinase inhibitor from Streptomyces sp. MK844-mF10.
J Antibiot. 66, 459-464.
江口陽子、加藤明宣、石井英治、内海龍太郎 (2013)「コネクターがつなぐ細菌情報伝達ネットワーク」、化学と生物 51, 241-249.
The connector SafA interacts with the multi-sensing domain of PhoQ in Escherichia coli. Eguchi, Y., Ishii, E., Yamane, M., Utsumi, R. Mol Microbiol. 85: 299-313. (2012)
Reciprocal control between a bacterium's regulatory system and the modification status of its lipopolysaccharide. Kato A, Chen HD, Latifi T, Groisman EA. Mol Cell. 47: 897-908. (2012)
Waldiomycin, a novel WalK-histidine kinase inhibitor from Streptomyces sp. MK844-mF10. Igarashi M, Watanabe T, Hashida T, Umekita M, Hatano M, Yanagita Y, Kino H, Kimura T, Kinoshita N, Inouye K, Sawa R, Nishimura Y, Utsumi R, Nomoto A.
J Antibiot . in press
Eguchi Y, Ishii E, and Utsumi R.(2012)Molecular mechanism of bacterial two-component signal transduction networks via connectors. In “Two-component systems in bacteria” ed. By R. Gross and D. Beier,Horizon Scientific Press. in press
Eguchi Y, Kubo N, Matsunaga H, Igarashi M, and Utsumi R.(2011)Development of an Antivirulence Drug against Streptococcus mutans: Repression of Biofilm Formation, Acid Tolerance, and Competence by a Histidine Kinase Inhibitor, Walkmycin C.Antimicrob Agents Chemother 55, 1475-84.
Efficient functional analysis system for cyanobacterial or plant cytochromes P450 involved in sesquiterpene biosynthesis. Harada H, Shindo K, Iki K, Teraoka A, Okamoto S, Yu F, Hattan J, Utsumi R, Misawa N. (2011)Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 90, 467-76.
A short-chain dehydrogenase involved in terpene metabolism from Zingiber zerembet. Okamoto S, Yu F, Harada H, Okajima T, Misawa N, and Utsumi R. (2011)FEBS J. 278,2892-2900.
五十嵐雅之、内海龍太郎.(2012)病原細菌に対する新しい薬剤標的−二成分情報伝達システム.YAKUGAKU ZASSHI 132,(1) 51-58.
Eguchi Y, Ishii E, Hata K, and Utsumi R.(2011)Regulation of acid resistance by connectors of two-component signal transduction systems in Escherichia coli.
J Bacteriol 193, 1222-8.
Zingiber zerumbet CYP71BA1 catalyzes the conversion of alpha-humulene to 8-hydroxy-alpha- humulene in zerumbone biosynthesis. Yu F, Okamoto S, Harada H, Yamasaki K, Misawa N, and Utsumi R. (2011) Cell Mol Life Sci 68, 1033-40.
Gotoh, Y., Eguchi, Y., Watanabe, T., Okamoto, S., Doi, A., and Utsumi, R. (2010) Two-component signal transduction as potential drug targets in pathogenic bacteria.Curr. Opin. Microbiol. 13, 232-239.
Eguchi, Y., Itou, J., Yamane, M., Demizu, R., Yamato, F., Okada, A., Mori, H., Kato, A., and Utsumi, R. (2007) B1500, a small membrane protein, connects the two-component systems EvgS/EvgA and PhoQ/PhoP in Escherichia coli.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 104, 18712-1871.
招待講演、シンポジウムなど (発表者・内海龍太郎)
内海龍太郎:平成26年度日本農芸化学会 “細菌分子標的剤開発にむけた微生物代謝工学”、シンポジューム“ゲノムからアプローチした微生物代謝工学” 2014年3月30日(明治大学)
内海龍太郎: 第25回新薬創製談話会「細菌情報伝達阻害型薬剤の開発と応用」2014年9月9日 (京都 嵐山)
Utsumi R “Isolation and characterization of waldiomycin as a new antibiotic targeting bacterial histidine kinases in “Antibiotic alternatives for the new millennium” London, 5th-7th November, 2014
内海龍太郎:平成26年度日本農芸化学会 “細菌分子標的剤開発にむけた微生物代謝工学”、シンポジューム“ゲノムからアプローチした微生物代謝工学”2014年3月30日(明治大学)
日本細菌学会2012年度大会シンポジウム 細菌情報伝達機構と新規抗菌剤の開発 2012年3月 長崎
日本農芸化学会2012年度大会シンポジウム 新しい環境調和型抗菌剤の開発と応用 2012年3月 京都
大韓民国生命科学会20周年記念国際シンポジウム 多剤耐性細菌に有効な細菌情報伝達阻害剤の創生 2011年10月 釜山
BIT’s 1st Annual World Congress & Microbes-2011, Beijing China “Antibacterial and antivirulent Drugs targeting bacterial histidine kinases” 2011年 7月 北京
Eguchi Y, Utsumi R. (2014) Alkali Metals in addition to acidic pH activate the EvgS histidine kinase sensor in Escherichia coli.
Eguchi Y, Utsumi R (2014) Two-component system in sensing and adaptation to acid stress in Escherichia coli in “Stress and environmental control of gene expression in bacteria” ed. By Frans J. de Bruijn,
Ishii E, Eguchi Y, Utsumi R. (2013) The activation mechanism of PhoQ/PhoP system by SafA, an auxiliary protein of histidine kinase in Escherichia coli.
Igarashi M, Watanabe T, Hashida T, Umekita M, Hatano M, Yanagita Y, Kino H, Kimura T, Kinoshita N, Inouye K, Sawa R, Nishimura Y, Utsumi R, Nomoto A (2013) Waldiomycin, a novel WalK-histidine kinase inhibitor from Streptomyces sp. MK844-mF10.
江口陽子、加藤明宣、石井英治、内海龍太郎 (2013)「コネクターがつなぐ細菌情報伝達ネットワーク」、
The connector SafA interacts with the multi-sensing domain of PhoQ in Escherichia coli. Eguchi, Y., Ishii, E., Yamane, M., Utsumi, R.
Reciprocal control between a bacterium's regulatory system and the modification status of its lipopolysaccharide. Kato A, Chen HD, Latifi T, Groisman EA.
Waldiomycin, a novel WalK-histidine kinase inhibitor from Streptomyces sp. MK844-mF10. Igarashi M, Watanabe T, Hashida T, Umekita M, Hatano M, Yanagita Y, Kino H, Kimura T, Kinoshita N, Inouye K, Sawa R, Nishimura Y, Utsumi R, Nomoto A.
Eguchi Y, Ishii E, and Utsumi R.(2012)Molecular mechanism of bacterial two-component signal transduction networks via connectors. In “Two-component systems in bacteria” ed. By R. Gross and D. Beier,
Eguchi Y, Kubo N, Matsunaga H, Igarashi M, and Utsumi R.(2011)Development of an Antivirulence Drug against Streptococcus mutans: Repression of Biofilm Formation, Acid Tolerance, and Competence by a Histidine Kinase Inhibitor, Walkmycin C.
Efficient functional analysis system for cyanobacterial or plant cytochromes P450 involved in sesquiterpene biosynthesis. Harada H, Shindo K, Iki K, Teraoka A, Okamoto S, Yu F, Hattan J, Utsumi R, Misawa N. (2011)
A short-chain dehydrogenase involved in terpene metabolism from Zingiber zerembet. Okamoto S, Yu F, Harada H, Okajima T, Misawa N, and Utsumi R. (2011)
Eguchi Y, Ishii E, Hata K, and Utsumi R.(2011)Regulation of acid resistance by connectors of two-component signal transduction systems in Escherichia coli.
Zingiber zerumbet CYP71BA1 catalyzes the conversion of alpha-humulene to 8-hydroxy-alpha- humulene in zerumbone biosynthesis. Yu F, Okamoto S, Harada H, Yamasaki K, Misawa N, and Utsumi R. (2011)
Gotoh, Y., Eguchi, Y., Watanabe, T., Okamoto, S., Doi, A., and Utsumi, R. (2010) Two-component signal transduction as potential drug targets in pathogenic bacteria.
Eguchi, Y., Itou, J., Yamane, M., Demizu, R., Yamato, F., Okada, A., Mori, H., Kato, A., and Utsumi, R. (2007) B1500, a small membrane protein, connects the two-component systems EvgS/EvgA and PhoQ/PhoP in Escherichia coli.
内海龍太郎:平成26年度日本農芸化学会 “細菌分子標的剤開発にむけた微生物代謝工学”、シンポジューム“ゲノムからアプローチした微生物代謝工学” 2014年3月30日(明治大学)
内海龍太郎: 第25回新薬創製談話会「細菌情報伝達阻害型薬剤の開発と応用」2014年9月9日 (京都 嵐山)
Utsumi R “Isolation and characterization of waldiomycin as a new antibiotic targeting bacterial histidine kinases in “Antibiotic alternatives for the new millennium” London, 5th-7th November, 2014
内海龍太郎:平成26年度日本農芸化学会 “細菌分子標的剤開発にむけた微生物代謝工学”、シンポジューム“ゲノムからアプローチした微生物代謝工学”2014年3月30日(明治大学)
日本細菌学会2012年度大会シンポジウム 細菌情報伝達機構と新規抗菌剤の開発 2012年3月 長崎
日本農芸化学会2012年度大会シンポジウム 新しい環境調和型抗菌剤の開発と応用 2012年3月 京都
大韓民国生命科学会20周年記念国際シンポジウム 多剤耐性細菌に有効な細菌情報伝達阻害剤の創生 2011年10月 釜山
BIT’s 1st Annual World Congress & Microbes-2011, Beijing China “Antibacterial and antivirulent Drugs targeting bacterial histidine kinases” 2011年 7月 北京
深溝 慶
Umemoto N, Kanda Y, Ohnuma T, Osawa T, Numata T, Sakuda S, Taira T, Fukamizo T. Crystal structures and inhibitor binding properties of plant class V chitinases: the cycad enzyme exhibits unique structural and functional features. Plant J. 2015, in press
Sirimontree P, Suginta W, Sritho N, Kanda Y, Shinya S, Ohnuma T, Fukamizo T. Mutation strategies for obtaining chitooligosaccharides with longer chains by transglycosylation reaction of family GH18 chitinase.Biosci Biotechnol Biochem . 2014;78(12):2014-21.
Shinya S, Urasaki A, Ohnuma T, Taira T, Suzuki A, Ogata M, Usui T, Lampela O, Juffer AH, Fukamizo T. Interaction of di-N-acetylchitobiosyl moranoline with a family GH19 chitinase from moss, Bryum coronatum. Glycobiology . 2014 Oct;24(10):945-55.
Ohnuma T, Umemoto N, Kondo K, Numata T, Fukamizo T. Complete subsite mapping of a "loopful" GH19 chitinase from rye seeds based on its crystal structure.FEBS Lett . 2013, 587, 2691-2697.
Shinya S, Ohnuma T, Yamashiro R, Kimoto H, Kusaoke H, Anbazhagan P, Juffer AH, Fukamizo T. The first identification of carbohydrate binding modules specific to chitosan.J Biol Chem . 2013, 288, 30042-30053.
Ohnuma T, Umemoto N, Nagata T, Shinya S, Numata T, Taira T, Fukamizo T,. Crystal structure of a “loopless” GH19 chitinase in complex with chitin tetrasaccharide spanning the catalytic center,Biochim. Biophys. Acta Proteins and Proteomics, 2014, in press
A novel transition-state analogue for lysozyme, 4-O-β-tri-N-acetylchitotriosyl moranoline, provided evidence supporting the covalent glycosyl-enzyme intermediate. Ogata M, Umemoto N, Ohnuma T, Numata T, Suzuki A, Usui T, Fukamizo T.J Biol Chem. 288, 6072-6082 (2013)
Crystal structure and chitin oligosaccharide-binding mode of a 'loopful' family GH19 chitinase from rye, Secale cereale, seeds. Ohnuma T, Numata T, Osawa T, Inanaga H, Okazaki Y, Shinya S, Kondo K, Fukuda T, Fukamizo T.FEBS J. , 279, 3639-3651. (2012)
A glycosynthase derived from an inverting GH19 chitinase from the moss Bryum coronatum. Ohnuma T, Fukuda T, Dozen S, Honda Y, Kitaoka M, Fukamizo T.Biochem J . 444, 437-443. (2012)
Arakane Y, Taira T, Ohnuma T, Fukamizo T. (2012) Chitin-related enzymes in agro-biosciences.Curr Drug Targets. in press
Shinya S, Nagata T, Ohnuma T, Taira T, Nishimura S, Fukamizo T. (2011) Backbone chemical shifts assignments, secondary structure, and ligand binding of a family GH-19 chitinase from moss, Bryum coronatum.Biomol NMR Assign. in press
Fukamizo T, Sato H, Mizuhara M, Ohnuma T, Gotoh T, Hiwatashi K, Takahashi S. (2011) Chitinase from Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus: rapid purification from Sf-9 medium and mode of action. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 75, 1763-9.
Shinya S, Ohnuma T, Kawamura S, Torikata T, Nishimura S, Katoh E, Fukamizo T. (2011) Interaction of a goose-type lysozyme with chitin oligosaccharides as determined by NMR spectroscopy.J Biochem. 150, 569-77.
Ohnuma T, Sørlie M, Fukuda T, Kawamoto N, Taira T, Fukamizo T. (2011) Chitin oligosaccharide binding to a family GH19 chitinase from the moss Bryum coronatum. FEBS J. 278, 3991-4001.
Letzel T, Sahmel-Schneider E, Skriver K, Ohnuma T, Fukamizo T. (2011) Chitinase-catalyzed hydrolysis of 4-nitrophenyl penta-N-acetyl-β-chitopentaoside as determined by real-time ESIMS: the 4-nitrophenyl moiety of the substrate interacts with the enzyme binding site. Carbohydr Res. 346, 863-6.
Ohnuma T, Numata T, Osawa T, Mizuhara M, Lampela O, Juffer AH, Skriver K, Fukamizo T. (2011) A class V chitinase from Arabidopsis thaliana: gene responses, enzymatic properties, and crystallographic analysis.Planta. 234, 123-37.
Taira T, Mahoe Y, Kawamoto N, Onaga S, Iwasaki H, Ohnuma T, Fukamizo T. (2011) Cloning and characterization of a small family 19 chitinase from moss (Bryum coronatum).Glycobiology. 21, 644-54.
Ohnuma T, Numata T, Osawa T, Mizuhara M, Vårum KM, Fukamizo T. (2011) Crystal structure and mode of action of a class V chitinase from Nicotiana tabacum. Plant Mol Biol. 75, 291-304.
Taira T, Fujiwara M, Dennhart N, Hayashi H, Onaga S, Ohnuma T, Letzel T, Fukamizo T. Transglycosylation reaction catalyzed by a class V chitinase from cycad, Cycas revoluta: a study involving site-directed mutagenesis, HPLC, and real-time ESI-MS. Biochim Biophys Acta. (2010) 1804, 668-675.
Taira T, Hayashi H, Onaga S, Iwasaki H, Ohnuma T, Fukamizo T. A plant class V chitinase from a cycad (Cycas revoluta): biochemical characterization, cDNA isolation, and posttranslational modification.Glycobiology. (2009) 19, 1452-1461.
Fukamizo T, Miyake R, Ohnuma T. A flexible loop controlling the enzymatic activity and specificity in a glycosyl hydrolase family 19 endochitinase from barley seeds (Hordeum vulgare L.). Biochim Biophys Acta. (2009) 1794, 1159-1167.
Fukamizo T, Tamoi M, Kurotaki H. Enzymatic hydrolysis of 1,3-1,4-b-glucosyl oligosaccharides by 1,3-1,4-b-glucanase from Synechocystis PCC6803: a comparison with assays using polymer and chromophoric oligosaccharide substrates.Arch Biochem Biophys. (2008) 478, 187-194.
大沼貴之:キチンオリゴ糖の酵素合成を目指した植物キチナーゼのエンジニアリング、第43回GRL静岡セミナー、2014年9月18日(静岡大学) Tamo Fukamizo: “Crystal structures and engineering of plant family GH18 chitinases”, Biochemistry Special Lecture for Graduate Students, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand, Jun. 15-19, 2013 Tamo Fukamizo: Keynote Lecture “The Mode of Action of Chitinolytic Enzymes: Production of Bioactive Oligosaccharides as Animal Nutrients”, 3rd AINI International Seminar “The role of Nutrition and Feed in Supporting Self Sufficient in Animal Products, Food Safety and Human Welfare”, Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia, 24-25 September, 2013
Tamo Fukamizo: Keynote Lecture “Crystal structures of family GH19 chitinases complexed with chitooligomers revealed the difference in the substrate-binding mode between loopful and loopless enzymes”, 10th Conference of Insect Physiology, Biochemistry, and Molecular Biology, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, China, Jun. 15-19, 2013
Tamo Fukamizo: an Invited Lecture “Plant Chitinases: New Insights from Crystallography, Substrate Binding, and Engineering Studies", 9th Asian Pacific Chitin/Chitosan Symposium, Aug. 3-6, 2011, Yasaka Saigon Hotel, Nha Trang, Vietnam
大沼貴之、深溝慶、Family GH-19キチナーゼに関する新しい知見、日本応用糖質科学会平成23年度大会特別シンポジウム「応用糖質科学研究の新時代を拓く」、2011年9月29日、(北大学術交流会館)
Umemoto N, Kanda Y, Ohnuma T, Osawa T, Numata T, Sakuda S, Taira T, Fukamizo T. Crystal structures and inhibitor binding properties of plant class V chitinases: the cycad enzyme exhibits unique structural and functional features.
Sirimontree P, Suginta W, Sritho N, Kanda Y, Shinya S, Ohnuma T, Fukamizo T. Mutation strategies for obtaining chitooligosaccharides with longer chains by transglycosylation reaction of family GH18 chitinase.
Shinya S, Urasaki A, Ohnuma T, Taira T, Suzuki A, Ogata M, Usui T, Lampela O, Juffer AH, Fukamizo T. Interaction of di-N-acetylchitobiosyl moranoline with a family GH19 chitinase from moss, Bryum coronatum.
Ohnuma T, Umemoto N, Kondo K, Numata T, Fukamizo T. Complete subsite mapping of a "loopful" GH19 chitinase from rye seeds based on its crystal structure.
Shinya S, Ohnuma T, Yamashiro R, Kimoto H, Kusaoke H, Anbazhagan P, Juffer AH, Fukamizo T. The first identification of carbohydrate binding modules specific to chitosan.
Ohnuma T, Umemoto N, Nagata T, Shinya S, Numata T, Taira T, Fukamizo T,. Crystal structure of a “loopless” GH19 chitinase in complex with chitin tetrasaccharide spanning the catalytic center,
A novel transition-state analogue for lysozyme, 4-O-β-tri-N-acetylchitotriosyl moranoline, provided evidence supporting the covalent glycosyl-enzyme intermediate. Ogata M, Umemoto N, Ohnuma T, Numata T, Suzuki A, Usui T, Fukamizo T.
Crystal structure and chitin oligosaccharide-binding mode of a 'loopful' family GH19 chitinase from rye, Secale cereale, seeds. Ohnuma T, Numata T, Osawa T, Inanaga H, Okazaki Y, Shinya S, Kondo K, Fukuda T, Fukamizo T.
A glycosynthase derived from an inverting GH19 chitinase from the moss Bryum coronatum. Ohnuma T, Fukuda T, Dozen S, Honda Y, Kitaoka M, Fukamizo T.
Arakane Y, Taira T, Ohnuma T, Fukamizo T. (2012) Chitin-related enzymes in agro-biosciences.
Shinya S, Nagata T, Ohnuma T, Taira T, Nishimura S, Fukamizo T. (2011) Backbone chemical shifts assignments, secondary structure, and ligand binding of a family GH-19 chitinase from moss, Bryum coronatum.
Fukamizo T, Sato H, Mizuhara M, Ohnuma T, Gotoh T, Hiwatashi K, Takahashi S. (2011) Chitinase from Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus: rapid purification from Sf-9 medium and mode of action.
Shinya S, Ohnuma T, Kawamura S, Torikata T, Nishimura S, Katoh E, Fukamizo T. (2011) Interaction of a goose-type lysozyme with chitin oligosaccharides as determined by NMR spectroscopy.
Ohnuma T, Sørlie M, Fukuda T, Kawamoto N, Taira T, Fukamizo T. (2011) Chitin oligosaccharide binding to a family GH19 chitinase from the moss Bryum coronatum.
Letzel T, Sahmel-Schneider E, Skriver K, Ohnuma T, Fukamizo T. (2011) Chitinase-catalyzed hydrolysis of 4-nitrophenyl penta-N-acetyl-β-chitopentaoside as determined by real-time ESIMS: the 4-nitrophenyl moiety of the substrate interacts with the enzyme binding site.
Ohnuma T, Numata T, Osawa T, Mizuhara M, Lampela O, Juffer AH, Skriver K, Fukamizo T. (2011) A class V chitinase from Arabidopsis thaliana: gene responses, enzymatic properties, and crystallographic analysis.
Taira T, Mahoe Y, Kawamoto N, Onaga S, Iwasaki H, Ohnuma T, Fukamizo T. (2011) Cloning and characterization of a small family 19 chitinase from moss (Bryum coronatum).
Ohnuma T, Numata T, Osawa T, Mizuhara M, Vårum KM, Fukamizo T. (2011) Crystal structure and mode of action of a class V chitinase from Nicotiana tabacum.
Taira T, Fujiwara M, Dennhart N, Hayashi H, Onaga S, Ohnuma T, Letzel T, Fukamizo T. Transglycosylation reaction catalyzed by a class V chitinase from cycad, Cycas revoluta: a study involving site-directed mutagenesis, HPLC, and real-time ESI-MS.
Taira T, Hayashi H, Onaga S, Iwasaki H, Ohnuma T, Fukamizo T. A plant class V chitinase from a cycad (Cycas revoluta): biochemical characterization, cDNA isolation, and posttranslational modification.
Fukamizo T, Miyake R, Ohnuma T. A flexible loop controlling the enzymatic activity and specificity in a glycosyl hydrolase family 19 endochitinase from barley seeds (Hordeum vulgare L.).
Fukamizo T, Tamoi M, Kurotaki H. Enzymatic hydrolysis of 1,3-1,4-b-glucosyl oligosaccharides by 1,3-1,4-b-glucanase from Synechocystis PCC6803: a comparison with assays using polymer and chromophoric oligosaccharide substrates.
大沼貴之:キチンオリゴ糖の酵素合成を目指した植物キチナーゼのエンジニアリング、第43回GRL静岡セミナー、2014年9月18日(静岡大学) Tamo Fukamizo: “Crystal structures and engineering of plant family GH18 chitinases”, Biochemistry Special Lecture for Graduate Students, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand, Jun. 15-19, 2013 Tamo Fukamizo: Keynote Lecture “The Mode of Action of Chitinolytic Enzymes: Production of Bioactive Oligosaccharides as Animal Nutrients”, 3rd AINI International Seminar “The role of Nutrition and Feed in Supporting Self Sufficient in Animal Products, Food Safety and Human Welfare”, Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia, 24-25 September, 2013
Tamo Fukamizo: Keynote Lecture “Crystal structures of family GH19 chitinases complexed with chitooligomers revealed the difference in the substrate-binding mode between loopful and loopless enzymes”, 10th Conference of Insect Physiology, Biochemistry, and Molecular Biology, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, China, Jun. 15-19, 2013
Tamo Fukamizo: an Invited Lecture “Plant Chitinases: New Insights from Crystallography, Substrate Binding, and Engineering Studies", 9th Asian Pacific Chitin/Chitosan Symposium, Aug. 3-6, 2011, Yasaka Saigon Hotel, Nha Trang, Vietnam
大沼貴之、深溝慶、Family GH-19キチナーゼに関する新しい知見、日本応用糖質科学会平成23年度大会特別シンポジウム「応用糖質科学研究の新時代を拓く」、2011年9月29日、(北大学術交流会館)
松田 一彦
Ihara M, Sattelle DB, Matsuda K, Probing new components (loop G and the α-α interface) of neonicotinoid binding sites on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.Pestic Biochem Physiol in press.
Ihara M, Okajima T, Yamashita A, Oda T, Asano T, Matsui M, Sattelle DB, Matsuda K, Studies on an acetylcholine binding protein identify a basic residue in loop G on the β1 strand as a new structural determinant of neonicotinoid actions. Mol Pharmacol 86,736-746 (2014)
Furutani S, Nakatani Y, Miura Y, Ihara M, Kai K, Hayashi H, Matsuda K, GluCl a target of indole alkaloid okaramines: a 25 year enigma solved. Sci Rep 4, 6190 (2014)
Furutani S, Ihara M, Nishino Y, Miki Akamatsu, Andrew K. Jones, Sattelle DB, Matsuda K, Exon 3 splicing and mutagenesis identify residues influencing cell surface density of heterologously-expressed silkworm (Bombyx mori) glutamate-gated chloride channels.Mol Pharmacol 86, 686-895 (2014).
Kikuta Y, Yamada G, Mitsumori T, Takeuchi T, Nakayama K, Katsuda Y, Hatanaka A,Matsuda K (2013) Catalytic-triad and related amino acids are required for acyltransferase activity of the Tanacetum cinerariifolium GDSL lipase/esterase-like enzyme TcGLIP for ester-bond formation in pyrethrin biosynthesis. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 77, 1822-1825.
Ihara M, Shimadzu N, Utsunomiya M, Akamatsu M, Sattelle DB, Matsuda K (2014) A single amino acid polymorphism in the Drosophila melanogaster Dα1 (ALS) subunit enhances neonicotinoid efficacy at Dα1-chicken β2 hybrid nicotinic acetylcholine receptor expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes.Biosci Biotechnol Biochem in press.
松田一彦 (2013) 植物は揮発性有機化合物をどのように感じるのか?−除虫菊を例にとって−Aroma Res 14, 376-379.
Plant communication: mediated by individual or blended VOCs? Ueda H, Kikuta Y, Matsuda K,Plant Signal Behav ; 7: 222-226. (2012)
Variations of the Tanacetum cinerariifolium GDSL Lipase Influence Its Acyltransferase Activity for Pyrethrin Synthesis.Y. Kikuta, K. Nakayama, Y. Katsuda, A. Hatanaka, G. Yamada, T. Mitsumori, K. Matsuda,Acta Holticulturae in press.
Amino acid residues of both the extracellular and transmembrane domains influence binding of the antiparasitic agent milbemycin A4 to Haemonchus contortus AVR-14B glutamate-gated chloride channels. Yamaguchi M, Sawa Y, Matsuda K, Ozoe F, Ozoe Y, Biochem.Biophys. Res. Commun. 419, 562-526. (2012)
Kikuta Y, Ueda H, Takahashi M, Mitsumori M, Yamada G, Sakamori K, Takeda K, Furutani S, Nakayama K, Katsuda S, Hatanaka A, Matsuda K. (2012) Identification and characterization of a GDSL-lipase like protein that catalyzes the ester forming reaction for pyrethrin biosynthesis in Tanacetum cinerariifolium - a new target for plant protection. Plant J. in press
Matsuda K. (2012) Pyrethrin Biosynthesis and Its Regulation in Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium. Curr Top Chem. 314, 73-81. Ueda H, Matsuda K, (2011) VOC-mediated within-plant communications and nonvolatile systemic signals upregulate pyrethrin biosynthesis in wounded seedlings of Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium.J. Plant Interact. 6, 89-91.
Kikuta Y, Ueda H, Nakayama K, Katsuda Y, Ozawa R, Takabayashi J, Hatanaka A, Matsuda K. (2011) Specific regulation of pyrethrin biosynthesis in Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium by a blend of volatiles emitted from artificially damaged conspecific plants. Plant Cell Physiol. 52, 588-96.
Kataoka S, Furutani S, Hayashi H, Matsuda K. Three austin family compounds from Penicillium brasilianum exhibit selective blocking action on cockroach nicotinic acetylcholine receptor.Neurotoxicology, in press.
Matsuda K, Kanaoka S, Akamatsu M, Sattelle DB. (2009) Diverse actions and target-site selectivity of neonicotinoids: structural insights.Mol. Pharmacol. 76, 1-10.
Jones AK, Buckingham SD, Yokota M, Sattelle BM, Matsuda K, Sattelle DB. (2009) Splice variant- and stage-specific RNA editing of the Drosophila GABA receptor, Rdl, modulate agonist potency. J. Neurosci. 29, 4287-4292.
Toshima K, Kanaoka S, Yamada A, Akamatsu M, Sattelle DB, Matsuda K. (2009) Combined roles of loops C and D in the interactions of a neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid with the α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor.Neuropharmacology 56, 264-272.
Matsuda K, Probing insect LGICs using selective ligands, 13th International Congress of Pesticide Chemistry, Augst 13, 2014 (San Francisco, USA)
Matsuda K, Structural determinants of selective and diverse target site actions of neonicotinoids, 2014 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor, July 24, 2014 (University of Cambridge, UK)
松田 一彦、ケミカルセンシングによる生命恒常性の維持と昆虫制御、日本学術振興会「日本におけるケミカルバイオロジー研究の新展開」、2014年6月14日(東京大学)
松田 一彦、温故知新:ピレスリンから学ぶ昆虫制御の原理、第17回中四国支部若手シンポジウム(第6回農芸化学の未来開拓セミナー)、2014年5月16日(岡山大学)
Kazuhiko Matsuda: an Invited Lecture “Predicting the hot spot for neonicotinoid resistance in nature” NARO International Symposium 2012 “New insight into insecticide resistance of rice planthoppers and the insect-borne viruses” Dec. 7, 2012 Fukuoka International Congress Center, Fukuoka, Japan.
Kazuhiko Matsuda: an Invited Lecture “Unraveling the mechanism of pyrethrin biosynthesis”, Studies on ecological interaction networks that promote biodiversity-From gene to ecosystem-, Oct. 15-16, 2012, The Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Yena, Germany.
Kazuhiko Matsuda: “Viewing natural pyrethrins from a modern angle”, International Pyrethrum Symposium, Hotel Grandchancellor Launceston, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia, Nov. 2-4, 2011.
Kazuhiko Matsuda: “VOC-mediated communications in Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium”, Studies on ecological interaction networks that promote biodiversity-From gene to ecosystem-, Neuchatel, Switzerland, Sep. 9-10, 2011.
Ihara M, Sattelle DB, Matsuda K, Probing new components (loop G and the α-α interface) of neonicotinoid binding sites on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.
Ihara M, Okajima T, Yamashita A, Oda T, Asano T, Matsui M, Sattelle DB, Matsuda K, Studies on an acetylcholine binding protein identify a basic residue in loop G on the β1 strand as a new structural determinant of neonicotinoid actions.
Furutani S, Nakatani Y, Miura Y, Ihara M, Kai K, Hayashi H, Matsuda K, GluCl a target of indole alkaloid okaramines: a 25 year enigma solved.
Furutani S, Ihara M, Nishino Y, Miki Akamatsu, Andrew K. Jones, Sattelle DB, Matsuda K, Exon 3 splicing and mutagenesis identify residues influencing cell surface density of heterologously-expressed silkworm (Bombyx mori) glutamate-gated chloride channels.
Kikuta Y, Yamada G, Mitsumori T, Takeuchi T, Nakayama K, Katsuda Y, Hatanaka A,Matsuda K (2013) Catalytic-triad and related amino acids are required for acyltransferase activity of the Tanacetum cinerariifolium GDSL lipase/esterase-like enzyme TcGLIP for ester-bond formation in pyrethrin biosynthesis.
Ihara M, Shimadzu N, Utsunomiya M, Akamatsu M, Sattelle DB, Matsuda K (2014) A single amino acid polymorphism in the Drosophila melanogaster Dα1 (ALS) subunit enhances neonicotinoid efficacy at Dα1-chicken β2 hybrid nicotinic acetylcholine receptor expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes.
松田一彦 (2013) 植物は揮発性有機化合物をどのように感じるのか?−除虫菊を例にとって−
Plant communication: mediated by individual or blended VOCs? Ueda H, Kikuta Y, Matsuda K,
Variations of the Tanacetum cinerariifolium GDSL Lipase Influence Its Acyltransferase Activity for Pyrethrin Synthesis.Y. Kikuta, K. Nakayama, Y. Katsuda, A. Hatanaka, G. Yamada, T. Mitsumori, K. Matsuda,
Amino acid residues of both the extracellular and transmembrane domains influence binding of the antiparasitic agent milbemycin A4 to Haemonchus contortus AVR-14B glutamate-gated chloride channels. Yamaguchi M, Sawa Y, Matsuda K, Ozoe F, Ozoe Y, Biochem.
Kikuta Y, Ueda H, Takahashi M, Mitsumori M, Yamada G, Sakamori K, Takeda K, Furutani S, Nakayama K, Katsuda S, Hatanaka A, Matsuda K. (2012) Identification and characterization of a GDSL-lipase like protein that catalyzes the ester forming reaction for pyrethrin biosynthesis in Tanacetum cinerariifolium - a new target for plant protection.
Matsuda K. (2012) Pyrethrin Biosynthesis and Its Regulation in Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium. Curr Top Chem. 314, 73-81. Ueda H, Matsuda K, (2011) VOC-mediated within-plant communications and nonvolatile systemic signals upregulate pyrethrin biosynthesis in wounded seedlings of Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium.
Kikuta Y, Ueda H, Nakayama K, Katsuda Y, Ozawa R, Takabayashi J, Hatanaka A, Matsuda K. (2011) Specific regulation of pyrethrin biosynthesis in Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium by a blend of volatiles emitted from artificially damaged conspecific plants.
Kataoka S, Furutani S, Hayashi H, Matsuda K. Three austin family compounds from Penicillium brasilianum exhibit selective blocking action on cockroach nicotinic acetylcholine receptor.
Matsuda K, Kanaoka S, Akamatsu M, Sattelle DB. (2009) Diverse actions and target-site selectivity of neonicotinoids: structural insights.
Jones AK, Buckingham SD, Yokota M, Sattelle BM, Matsuda K, Sattelle DB. (2009) Splice variant- and stage-specific RNA editing of the Drosophila GABA receptor, Rdl, modulate agonist potency.
Toshima K, Kanaoka S, Yamada A, Akamatsu M, Sattelle DB, Matsuda K. (2009) Combined roles of loops C and D in the interactions of a neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid with the α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor.
Matsuda K, Probing insect LGICs using selective ligands, 13th International Congress of Pesticide Chemistry, Augst 13, 2014 (San Francisco, USA)
Matsuda K, Structural determinants of selective and diverse target site actions of neonicotinoids, 2014 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor, July 24, 2014 (University of Cambridge, UK)
松田 一彦、ケミカルセンシングによる生命恒常性の維持と昆虫制御、日本学術振興会「日本におけるケミカルバイオロジー研究の新展開」、2014年6月14日(東京大学)
松田 一彦、温故知新:ピレスリンから学ぶ昆虫制御の原理、第17回中四国支部若手シンポジウム(第6回農芸化学の未来開拓セミナー)、2014年5月16日(岡山大学)
Kazuhiko Matsuda: an Invited Lecture “Predicting the hot spot for neonicotinoid resistance in nature” NARO International Symposium 2012 “New insight into insecticide resistance of rice planthoppers and the insect-borne viruses” Dec. 7, 2012 Fukuoka International Congress Center, Fukuoka, Japan.
Kazuhiko Matsuda: an Invited Lecture “Unraveling the mechanism of pyrethrin biosynthesis”, Studies on ecological interaction networks that promote biodiversity-From gene to ecosystem-, Oct. 15-16, 2012, The Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Yena, Germany.
Kazuhiko Matsuda: “Viewing natural pyrethrins from a modern angle”, International Pyrethrum Symposium, Hotel Grandchancellor Launceston, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia, Nov. 2-4, 2011.
Kazuhiko Matsuda: “VOC-mediated communications in Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium”, Studies on ecological interaction networks that promote biodiversity-From gene to ecosystem-, Neuchatel, Switzerland, Sep. 9-10, 2011.
森山 達哉
Yagami A, Suzuki K, Sano A, Iwata Y, Arima M, Moriyama T, Matsunaga K,(2015) Immediate allergy due to raw garlic (Allium sativumL.) The Journal of Dermatology , in press.
Inomata N, Okazaki F, Moriyama T, Nomura Y, Yamaguchi Y, Honjoh T, Kawamura Y, Narita H, Aihara M ,(2014) Identification of peamaclein as a marker allergen related to systemic reactions in peach allergy,Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology , 112, 175-177
Iijima S, Tsunoda T, Moriyama T, (2014) Three Cases of oral allergy syndrome due to walnut: detection of IgE-binding walnut proteins. Journal of environmental dermatology and cutaneous allergology , 8(2), 95-102.
Zaima N, Yoshimura Y, Kawamura Y, Moriyama T. (2014) Distribution of lyso- phosphatidylcholine in endosperm of Oryza sativa rice.Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 28,1515-1520.
Yoshimura Y, Nishii S, Zaima N, Moriyama T, Kawamura Y. (2013) Ellagic acid improves hepatic steatosis and serum lipid composition through reduction of serum resistin levels and transcriptional activation of hepatic ppara in obese, diabetic KK-Ay mice.Biochem Biophys Res Commun . 434, 486-491.
Moriyama T, Yano E, Kitta K, Kawamoto S-I, KawamuraY, Todoriki S. (2013) Effect of Gamma-Irradiation on Soybean Allergen Levels. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. , 77, 2371-2377.
森山達哉 (2014)“花粉−食物アレルギー症候群〜花粉症に関連する新規の食物アレルギー”、臨床栄養 124(2), 150-151.
Hypoallergenicity and immunological characterization of the enzyme-treated royal jelly from Apis mellifera. T Moriyama, M Yanagihara, E Yano, G Kimura, M Seishima, H Tani, T Kanno, T Nakamura-Hirota, K Hashimoto, T Tatefuji, T Ogawa, Y Kawamura.Biosci.Biotechnol.Biochem. , in press.
Catechins and Caffeine Inhibit Fat Accumulation in Mice through the Improvement of Hepatic Lipid Metabolism, C Sugiura, S Nishimatsu, T Moriyama, S Ozasa, T Kawada, and K Sayama, J. Obesity , 2012, 10 (2012)
Puerarin exerted anti-osteoporotic action independent of estrogen receptor-mediated pathway. Michihara S, Tanaka T, Uzawa Y, Moriyama T, Kawamura Y. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo).;58(3):202-209. (2012)
Makino-Wakagi Y, Yoshimura Y, Uzawa Y, Zaima N, Moriyama T, Kawamura Y. (2012) Ellagic acid in pomegranate suppresses resistin secretion by a novel regulatory mechanism involving the degradation of intracellular resistin protein in adipocytes.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 417, 880-5.
原田 晋、田中 功、有津 崇、田中 昭、森山達哉 (2011)「ピーナッツアレルギー:果物類のOASおよび豆乳アレルギーとの合併例」皮膚病診療、 33,(5),479-482,
原田 晋、三好麻里、森山達哉、田中 昭 (2011)「オオアワガエリとの交叉反応が疑われたライチ、ピスタチオアレルギーの1例」皮膚臨床、 53(3), 421-425,
森山達哉 (2011)「大豆アレルゲンの多様性と味噌の低アレルゲン性の検証」日本醸造協会誌 (Journal of the Brewing society of Japan) 、 Vol. 106, (10), 645-655,
飯島茂子, 森山達哉 (2011)「クラス1およびクラス2の両方が関与したと考えた豆乳によるアナフィラキシーの1例」J. Env. Dermat. Cutan. Allerg. 5(5): 439-449,
原田 晋、森山達哉、田中 功、有津 崇、田中 昭 (2011)「ピーナッツ豆腐摂取後にアナフィラキシー症状をきたしたクラス2ピーナッツアレルギーの1例」日本ラテックスアレルギー研究会会誌、 15(1), 70-75,
森山達哉 (2012)「各種大豆加工食品のアレルゲンリスク評価」、フードジャーナル、 2012年1月号、p.55
Mochizuki Y, Maebuchi M, Kohno M, Wadahama H, Moriyama T, Kawada T, Urade R. (2009) Changes in lipid metabolism by soy beta-conglycinin-derived peptides in HepG2 cells.J. Agric. Food Chem. 57, 1473-80.
Adachi, A., Horikawa, T., Shimizu, H., Ogawa, T., Sjolander, S., Tanaka, A., and Moriyama, T. (2009) Soybean β-conglycinin as the main allergen in a patient with food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis by tofu: Food processing alters pepsin resistanceClinical & Experimental Allergy 39, 167-73.
Hosokawa N, Wada I, Nagasawa K, Moriyama T, Nagata K. (2008) Human XTP3-B forms an endoplasmic reticulum quality control scaffold with the HRD1-SEL1L ubiquitin ligase complex and BiP.J. Biol. Chem. 283, 20914-24.
Weangsripanaval T, Murota K, Kusudo T, Moriyama T, Ogawa T, Kawada T. .(2006) Sodium cromoglycate inhibits absorption of the major soybean allergen, Gly m Bd 30K, in mice and human intestinal Caco-2 cells.J. Nutr. 136, 2874-2880.
森山達哉:“花粉症に関連する新しいタイプの食物アレルギー” ひと・健康・未来研究財団 第5回市民公開講座 2015年2月28日 (名古屋)
森山達哉:“農作物の健康機能性とアレルゲン性”京都大学大学院農学研究科食品生物科学専攻特別セミナー 2014年11月27日 (京都)
森山達哉:“大豆・豆乳のタンパク質栄養価に関する研究”日本豆乳協会講演 2014年8月8日(東京)
森山達哉:“食物アレルギーの現状と学校現場での対応について”近畿大学教員免許更新講習 2014年8月7日(大阪)
森山達哉:“花粉症に関連する新しい食物アレルギーとその発症リスク変動” NPO食の安全と安心を科学する会(SFSS)食の安全と安心フォーラムZ 平成26年11月28日(大阪)
森山達哉:“穀類による食物アレルギー:大豆アレルギーを中心に”第29回ゴマ科学会大会招待講演 2015年10月4日(大阪)
財満信宏、森山達哉:“イメージングマススペクトロメトリーによる食品機能研究” 第59回食品新素材研究会 特別講演 2014年9月4日(京都)
森山達哉:“クラス2食物アレルギーの現状とそのリスク変動解析”日本食品免疫学会(JAFI)第7回シンポジウム(東京)招待講演 2014年6月30日(東京)
森山達哉:“野菜と豆で健康に”京丹波町 健康講座 講演(京都府船井郡京丹波町) 2014年2月26日、(京丹波町 瑞穂保健福祉センター)
森山達哉:“日本食の中心素材:大豆と味噌の健康機能性”関西味噌生販協議会総会 特別講演2013年10月22日(ホテルグランヴィア大阪)
森山達哉:“知ってナットク!日本食素材の健康機能”農学部公開講座(名古屋)近畿大学農学部公開講座 「「食べ物と健康」 2013年10月19日(名古屋マリオットアソシアホテル)
森山達哉:“食物アレルギーの多様性:花粉症関連の食物アレルギーを中心に”、第60回日本栄養改善学会学術総会 研究自由集会(栄養士食物アレルギー研究会) 招待講演、2013年9月12日(神戸ポートピアホテル)
森山達哉:「食品素材の新規アレルゲンリスクについて」第55回 食品新素材研究会 特別講演、京都、2012年7月17日
飯島茂子, 森山達哉:「クラス1およびクラス2の両方が関与したと考えた豆乳によるアナフィラキシーの1例」 日本皮膚アレルギー学会論文賞受賞講演 2012年7月14日
森山達哉:「スパイスのアレルゲン性と健康機能性」第15回 スパイス・ハーブ研究成果セミナー 2012年7月4日
森山達哉:「肥満関連分子の分泌制御をターゲットにした抗メタボ食品因子の探索」岡山バイオアクティブ研究会 第41回シンポジウム 肥満を抑制する機能性食品素材〜基礎から応用、 招待講演 2012年6月8日
森山達哉:「リコンビナント・アレルゲン及び抗アレルゲン抗体を用いた抗原解析」第24回日本アレルギー学会春季臨床大会シンポジウム 2012年 5月12日
森山達哉:「大人でも要注意!新しい食物アレルギーのお話」 近畿大学農学部 公開講座(奈良)2012年4月28日
森山達哉:日本醸造協会主催 醸造調味食品研究会“醸造食品の低アレルゲン性の検証(穀物アレルギーの最近の話題も含めて)”、2011年7月13日(水)、王子
Yagami A, Suzuki K, Sano A, Iwata Y, Arima M, Moriyama T, Matsunaga K,(2015) Immediate allergy due to raw garlic (Allium sativumL.)
Inomata N, Okazaki F, Moriyama T, Nomura Y, Yamaguchi Y, Honjoh T, Kawamura Y, Narita H, Aihara M ,(2014) Identification of peamaclein as a marker allergen related to systemic reactions in peach allergy,
Iijima S, Tsunoda T, Moriyama T, (2014) Three Cases of oral allergy syndrome due to walnut: detection of IgE-binding walnut proteins.
Zaima N, Yoshimura Y, Kawamura Y, Moriyama T. (2014) Distribution of lyso- phosphatidylcholine in endosperm of Oryza sativa rice.
Yoshimura Y, Nishii S, Zaima N, Moriyama T, Kawamura Y. (2013) Ellagic acid improves hepatic steatosis and serum lipid composition through reduction of serum resistin levels and transcriptional activation of hepatic ppara in obese, diabetic KK-Ay mice.
Moriyama T, Yano E, Kitta K, Kawamoto S-I, KawamuraY, Todoriki S. (2013) Effect of Gamma-Irradiation on Soybean Allergen Levels.
森山達哉 (2014)“花粉−食物アレルギー症候群〜花粉症に関連する新規の食物アレルギー”、
Hypoallergenicity and immunological characterization of the enzyme-treated royal jelly from Apis mellifera. T Moriyama, M Yanagihara, E Yano, G Kimura, M Seishima, H Tani, T Kanno, T Nakamura-Hirota, K Hashimoto, T Tatefuji, T Ogawa, Y Kawamura.
Catechins and Caffeine Inhibit Fat Accumulation in Mice through the Improvement of Hepatic Lipid Metabolism, C Sugiura, S Nishimatsu, T Moriyama, S Ozasa, T Kawada, and K Sayama,
Puerarin exerted anti-osteoporotic action independent of estrogen receptor-mediated pathway. Michihara S, Tanaka T, Uzawa Y, Moriyama T, Kawamura Y.
Makino-Wakagi Y, Yoshimura Y, Uzawa Y, Zaima N, Moriyama T, Kawamura Y. (2012) Ellagic acid in pomegranate suppresses resistin secretion by a novel regulatory mechanism involving the degradation of intracellular resistin protein in adipocytes.
原田 晋、田中 功、有津 崇、田中 昭、森山達哉 (2011)「ピーナッツアレルギー:果物類のOASおよび豆乳アレルギーとの合併例」
原田 晋、三好麻里、森山達哉、田中 昭 (2011)「オオアワガエリとの交叉反応が疑われたライチ、ピスタチオアレルギーの1例」
森山達哉 (2011)「大豆アレルゲンの多様性と味噌の低アレルゲン性の検証」
飯島茂子, 森山達哉 (2011)「クラス1およびクラス2の両方が関与したと考えた豆乳によるアナフィラキシーの1例」
原田 晋、森山達哉、田中 功、有津 崇、田中 昭 (2011)「ピーナッツ豆腐摂取後にアナフィラキシー症状をきたしたクラス2ピーナッツアレルギーの1例」
森山達哉 (2012)「各種大豆加工食品のアレルゲンリスク評価」、
Mochizuki Y, Maebuchi M, Kohno M, Wadahama H, Moriyama T, Kawada T, Urade R. (2009) Changes in lipid metabolism by soy beta-conglycinin-derived peptides in HepG2 cells.
Adachi, A., Horikawa, T., Shimizu, H., Ogawa, T., Sjolander, S., Tanaka, A., and Moriyama, T. (2009) Soybean β-conglycinin as the main allergen in a patient with food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis by tofu: Food processing alters pepsin resistance
Hosokawa N, Wada I, Nagasawa K, Moriyama T, Nagata K. (2008) Human XTP3-B forms an endoplasmic reticulum quality control scaffold with the HRD1-SEL1L ubiquitin ligase complex and BiP.
Weangsripanaval T, Murota K, Kusudo T, Moriyama T, Ogawa T, Kawada T. .(2006) Sodium cromoglycate inhibits absorption of the major soybean allergen, Gly m Bd 30K, in mice and human intestinal Caco-2 cells.
森山達哉:“花粉症に関連する新しいタイプの食物アレルギー” ひと・健康・未来研究財団 第5回市民公開講座 2015年2月28日 (名古屋)
森山達哉:“農作物の健康機能性とアレルゲン性”京都大学大学院農学研究科食品生物科学専攻特別セミナー 2014年11月27日 (京都)
森山達哉:“大豆・豆乳のタンパク質栄養価に関する研究”日本豆乳協会講演 2014年8月8日(東京)
森山達哉:“食物アレルギーの現状と学校現場での対応について”近畿大学教員免許更新講習 2014年8月7日(大阪)
森山達哉:“花粉症に関連する新しい食物アレルギーとその発症リスク変動” NPO食の安全と安心を科学する会(SFSS)食の安全と安心フォーラムZ 平成26年11月28日(大阪)
森山達哉:“穀類による食物アレルギー:大豆アレルギーを中心に”第29回ゴマ科学会大会招待講演 2015年10月4日(大阪)
財満信宏、森山達哉:“イメージングマススペクトロメトリーによる食品機能研究” 第59回食品新素材研究会 特別講演 2014年9月4日(京都)
森山達哉:“クラス2食物アレルギーの現状とそのリスク変動解析”日本食品免疫学会(JAFI)第7回シンポジウム(東京)招待講演 2014年6月30日(東京)
森山達哉:“野菜と豆で健康に”京丹波町 健康講座 講演(京都府船井郡京丹波町) 2014年2月26日、(京丹波町 瑞穂保健福祉センター)
森山達哉:“日本食の中心素材:大豆と味噌の健康機能性”関西味噌生販協議会総会 特別講演2013年10月22日(ホテルグランヴィア大阪)
森山達哉:“知ってナットク!日本食素材の健康機能”農学部公開講座(名古屋)近畿大学農学部公開講座 「「食べ物と健康」 2013年10月19日(名古屋マリオットアソシアホテル)
森山達哉:“食物アレルギーの多様性:花粉症関連の食物アレルギーを中心に”、第60回日本栄養改善学会学術総会 研究自由集会(栄養士食物アレルギー研究会) 招待講演、2013年9月12日(神戸ポートピアホテル)
森山達哉:「食品素材の新規アレルゲンリスクについて」第55回 食品新素材研究会 特別講演、京都、2012年7月17日
飯島茂子, 森山達哉:「クラス1およびクラス2の両方が関与したと考えた豆乳によるアナフィラキシーの1例」 日本皮膚アレルギー学会論文賞受賞講演 2012年7月14日
森山達哉:「スパイスのアレルゲン性と健康機能性」第15回 スパイス・ハーブ研究成果セミナー 2012年7月4日
森山達哉:「肥満関連分子の分泌制御をターゲットにした抗メタボ食品因子の探索」岡山バイオアクティブ研究会 第41回シンポジウム 肥満を抑制する機能性食品素材〜基礎から応用、 招待講演 2012年6月8日
森山達哉:「リコンビナント・アレルゲン及び抗アレルゲン抗体を用いた抗原解析」第24回日本アレルギー学会春季臨床大会シンポジウム 2012年 5月12日
森山達哉:「大人でも要注意!新しい食物アレルギーのお話」 近畿大学農学部 公開講座(奈良)2012年4月28日
森山達哉:日本醸造協会主催 醸造調味食品研究会“醸造食品の低アレルゲン性の検証(穀物アレルギーの最近の話題も含めて)”、2011年7月13日(水)、王子