
新しい視点で魚類を科学する 水産生物学研究室

小林 徹  研究業績 Achievements


Kobayashi T and Fujii H. 2019. Double heat shock more potently suppresses cleavage of fertilized willow minnow (Gnathopogon caerulescens) eggs than single heat shock treatment. Aquacult. Res., (Published in Early View on 27 Jun, 2019. Accepted at Jun 04, 2019). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/are.14225

Kobayashi T and Ashida H. 2019. Gonad formation and pre-miotic proliferation of gonocytes of Japanese willow minnow Gnathopogon caerulescens. Aquacult. Sci. 67(1), 9-17.

Agawa Y, Iwaki M, Komiya T, Honryo T, Tamura K, Okada T, Yagishita N, Kobayashi T, Sawada Y. 2015. Identification of male sex‑linked DNA sequence of the cultured Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis. Fish. Sci., 81(1): 113-121. (DOI 10.1007/s12562-014-0833-8).

Kobayashi T, Honryo T, Agawa Y, Sawada Y, Tapia I, Macìas KA, Cano A, Scholey VP, Margulies D, and Yagishita N. 2015. Gonadogenesis and slow proliferation of germ cells in juveniles of the cultivated yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares. Reprod. Biol., 15(2), 106–112. (doi:10.1016/j.repbio. 2015.01.003).

Guillen A, Honryo T, Ibarra J, Cano A, Margulies D, Scholey V, Wexler J, Stein M, Kobayashi T and Sawada Y. Effect of embryonic development of Yellofin tuna (Thunnus albacares).Aquaculture Science, 62(3), 319-322.

Nomura S, Kobayashi T, Agawa Y, Margulies D, Scholey V, Sawada Y, and Yagishita N. 2014. Genetic population structure of the Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis and the yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares in the North Pacific Ocean. Fish Sci 80:1193–1204.

Ashida H, Ueyama N, Kinoshita M, and Kobayashi T. 2013. Cloning and expression of FOXL2 and DMRT1 genes from willow minnow Gnathopogon caerulescens. Reproductive Biology 13(4), 312-327.

Yagishita N, Sawada Y, Agawa Y, Kobayashi T. 2014. Isolation and characterization of 25 microsatellite loci from the Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis (Perciformes, Scombridae). Conservation Genet Resour, 6(1), 189-191. (DOI 10.1007/s12686-013-0045-z.).

Tsukamasa Y, Kato K, Bimol CR, Ishibashi Y, Kobayashi T, Itoh T, and Ando M. 2013. Novel method for improving the antioxidative properties of fish meat by direct injection of sodium L-ascorbate into the blood vessels of live fish. Fish. Sci., On line Published on DOI 10.1007/s12562-013-0595-8.

Agawa Y, Honryo T, Ishii A, Kobayashi T, Oku H, and Sawada Y. 2011. Molecular identification and tissue distribution of peroxisome proliferators activated receptor gamma transcript in cultured Thunnus orientalis. Aquaculture Research 43, 1145-1158.

Kunimune Y, Mitsunaga Y,Komeyama K, Matsuda M, Kobayashi T, Takagi T. and Yamane T. 2011. Seasonal distribution of the threatened endemic crucian carp nigorobuna Carassius auratus grandoculis and gengoroubuna Carassius cuvieri in Lake Biwa, Japan. Fisheries Science 77(4), 521–532.

Kobayashi T and Fushiki S. 2011. Production of Gynogenetic inbred lines for traits of spawning time and egg size of rainbow trout. Aquaculture Science 59 (2): 181-188.

Kobayashi T, Ishibashi R, Yamamoto S, Otani S, Ueno K, and Murata O. 2011. Gonadal morphogenesis and sex differentiation in cultured chub mackerel, Scomber  japonicus. Aquaculture Research 42: 230-239.

Kobayashi T and Nemoto M. 2010. Cytological mechanisms of induced gynogenesis in nigorobuna crucian carp eggs exposed to heat or cold shock for retention of second polar body. Aquaculture Science 58(3) : 337-343.

Kobayashi T, Fushiki S, and Ueno K. 2009. Physiological responses of triploid rainbow trout to exhaustive exercise. Aquaculture Science 57: 361-370.

Adachi K, Kato K, Yamamoto M, Ishimaru K, Kobayashi T, Murata O, and Kumai H. 2009. Molecular cloning and daily mRNA levels of prolactin and somatolactin in aquacultured Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis). Aquaculture 296: 110-116.

Adachi K, Kato K, Yamamoto M, Ishimaru K, Kobayashi T, Murata O, and Kumai H. 2008. Pulsed expression of growth hormone mRNA in the pituitary of juvenile Pacific bluefin tuna under aquacultured conditions. Aquaculture 281: 158-161.

Suzuki T, Kobayashi T, and Ueno K. 2008. Genetic identification of larvae and juveniles reveals the difference in the spawning site among Cyprininae fish species/subspecies in Lake Biwa. Environmental Biology of Fishes 82: 353-364.

Yagishita N and Kobayashi T. 2008. Isolation and characterization of nine microsatellite loci from the chub mackerel Scomber japonicus (Perciformes, Scombridae). Morecular Ecology Resources 8: 302-304.

Otani S, Ohara M, Miyashita S and Kobayashi T. 2008. A method for the microinjection into naturally-spawned eggs of marine fish, especially cultured Pacific bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis. Fisheries Science 74: 208-210.

石橋 亮, 山本眞司, 小林 徹, 和泉健一, 宮下 盛, 村田 修. 2007. HCG投与による養成マサバ1歳魚からの採卵の試み.水産増殖 55(1): 17-22.

Suzuki T, Nagano H, Kobayashi T, Ueno K. 2005. Morphological characteristics of Nigorobuna Carassius auratus grandoculis called Io in Lake Nishino. Fisheries Science 71, 679-681.

鈴木誉士,永野 元,小林 徹,上野紘一. 2005. RAPD分析による琵琶湖産フナ属魚類の種・亜種判別およびヨシ帯に出現するフナ仔稚魚の季節変化.日水誌,71(1): 10-15.

Kobayashi T, Fushiki S, and Ueno K. 2004. Improvement of sperm motility of sex-reversed male rainbow trout, Onchorhynchus mykiss, by incubation in high pH artificial seminal plasma. Environmental Biology of Fishes 69: 419-425.

Nakagawa M, Kobayashi T, and Ueno K. 2002. Production of germline chimera in loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) and proposal of new method for preservation of endangered fish species. J. Exp. Zool. 293(6): 624-631.

Ueno K, Ota K, and Kobayashi T. 2001. Heteromorphic sex chromosomes of lizardfish (Synodontidae) : focus on the ZZ-ZW1W2 system in Trachinocepharus myopus. Genetica 111: 133-142

Ota K, Kobayashi T, Ueno K, and Gojobori T. 2000. Evolution of heteromorphic sex chromosomes in the order Aulopiformes. Gene 259: 25-30.

小林 徹, 上野紘一. 2000. 雌性発生アマゴ卵の第二極体放出阻止適正時期に関する細胞学的検証. 日水誌 66(5): 840-845.

小林 徹. 1998. 染色体操作を施したニジマス初期胚の核の行動における細胞学的観察,日水誌 64(5): 782-791.

小林 徹, 大野聖爾, 小林敬典. 1998. DNAシーケンサを用いた蛍光RAPD-PCR分析, DNA多 型 6: 219-226.

Kobayashi T, Fushiki S, Sakai N, Hara A, Amano M, Aida K, Nakamura M, and Nagahama Y. 1998. Oogenesis and changes in the levels of reproductive hormones in triploid rainbow trout. Fisheries Science 64(2): 206-215.

小林 徹, 伏木省三. 1997. ニジマスの三倍体と二倍体の摂餌競合と, その競合が三倍体の成長に及ぼす影響. 水産増殖 45: 87-96.

Kobayashi T. 1997. Survival and cytological observations on early development of  normal, hybrid, and gynogenetic embryos of amago salmon. Fisheries Science, 63(1): 33-36.

藤原公一, 臼杵崇広, 小林 徹, 水谷英志. 1995. 琵琶湖の固有種ニゴロブナCarassius auratus grandoculisを育む場としてのヨシ等植物群落の重要性. 環境システム研究 23: 414-419.

小林 徹, 堀 勝利, 伏木省三, 中村聡一, 上野紘一. 1995. 三倍体アマゴの安静時および過激運動後の酸素消費量ならびに鰓蓋運動数, 水産増殖 43(3): 395-400.

Kobayashi T, Ide A, Hiasa T, Fushiki S, and Ueno K. 1994. Production of cloned amago salmon Oncorhynchus rhodurus. Fisheries Sci. 60: 275-281.

小林 徹, 酒井則良, 伏木省三, 長濱嘉孝, 天野勝文, 会田勝美. 1993. 三倍体ニジマス雄における血清および下垂体ホルモン量の変動と精巣の発達. 日水誌 59(6): 981- 989.

小林 徹. 1992. 長期混合飼育下での人為三倍体ニジマスの成長, 生残, および生殖周期. 水産 増殖 40: 57-70.

Yada T, Kobayashi T, Urano A, and Hirano T. 1992. Changes in growth hormone and prolactin messenger ribonucleic acid levels during seawater adaptation of amago salmon (Oncorhynchus rhodurus). J. Exp.Zool. 262: 420-425.

小林 徹


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