
Kinki University, Department of Agricultural Science

Dr. Yoshinori WATANABE access

I. Original research article

1. Yoshinori WATANABE, Hidehiko KIKUNO, Robert ASIEDU, Tsugiyuki MASUNAGA and Toshiyuki WAKATSUKI (in press);
Comparison of physicochemical properties of soils under contrasting land use systems in Southwestern Nigeria. JARQ.

2. Koji Yamane, Mitsuaki Kono, Taiji Fukunaga, Kazuya Iwai, Rie Sekine, Yoshinori Watanabe and Morio Iijima 2014;
Field Evaluation of Coffee Grounds Application for Crop Growth Enhancement, Weed Control, and Soil Improvement
Plant Production Science, 17, 93-102.

Improving on the Prediction of Cation Exchange Capacity for Highly Weathered and Structurally Contrasting Tropical Soils from Their Fine-Earth Fractions
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 44, 1831-1848.

4. S. E. Obalum, J. Oppong, J. C. Nwite, Y. Watanabe, M. M. Buri, C. A. Igwe, and T. Wakatsuki 2012;
Long-term effects of lowland sawah system on soil physicochemicalproperties and rice yield in Ashanti Region of Ghana.
Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 10, 838-848.

5. S. E. Obalum, Y. Watanabe, C. A. Igwe, M. E. Obi and T. Wakatsuki 2012;
Carbon stock in the solum of some coarse-textured soils under secondary forest, grassland fallow and bare footpath in the derived savanna of southeastern Nigeria
Soil Research, 50, 157-166.

6. Sunday E. OBALUM, John C. Nwite, Yoshinori WATANABE, Charles A. Igwe and Toshiyuki WAKATSUKI 2012;
Comparative topsoil characterization of sawah rice fields in selected inland valleys around Bida, north-central Nigeria: physicochemical properties and fertility status.
Tropical Agriculture and Development, 56, 39-48.

7. Susumu S. Abe, Takashi Kotegawa, Taisuke Onishi, Yoshinori Watanabe, Toshiyuki Wakatsuki 2012;
Soil particle accumulation in termite (Macrotermes bellicosus) mounds and the implications for soil particle dynamics in a tropical savanna Ultisol.
Ecological Research, 27, 219-227.

8. Susumu S. ABE, Yoshinori WATANABE, Taisuke ONISHI, Takashi KOTEGAWA and Toshiyuki WAKATSUKI 2011;
Nutrient storage in termite (Macrotermes bellicosus) mounds and the implications for nutrient dynamics in a tropical savanna Ultisol
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 57, 786-795.

9. Sunday E. Obalum, Gloria I. Ezenne, Yoshinori Watanabe, Toshiyuki Wakatsuki 2011;
Contemporary Global Issue of Rising Water Scarcity for Agriculture: The Quest for Effective and Feasible Soil Moisture and Free-Water Surface Conservation Strategies.
Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 3, 166-175.

10. Yoshinori Watanabe, Ebenezer Owusu-Sekyere, Tsugiyuki Masunaga, Mohammed Moro Buri, O. Idowu Oladele and Toshiyuki Wakatsuki 2010;
Teak (Tectona grandis) growth as influenced by soil physicochemical properties and other site conditions in Ashanti region, Ghana.
Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 8, 1040-1045.

11. Yoshinori Watanabe, Tsugiyuki Masunaga, Ebenezer Owusu-Sekyere, Mohammed Moro Buri, O. Idowu Oladele and Toshiyuki Wakatsuki 2009;
Evaluation of growth and carbon storage as influenced by soil chemical properties and moisture on teak (Tectona grandis) in Ashanti region, Ghana.
Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 7, 640-645.

12. Yoshinori WATANABE, Tsugiyuki MASUNAGA, Oluwarotimi Omotola FASHOLA, Adeniyi AGBOOLA, Peter K. OVISUYI and Toshiyuki WAKATSUKI 2009;
Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Pinus caribaea growth in relation to soil physico-chemical properties in plantation forests in Northern Nigeria.
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 55, 132-141.

II.Conference presentation

1. 渡邊芳倫, 藤岡悠一郎, Petrus Ausiku, 飯嶋 盛雄

2. 渡邊芳倫, Simon K. Awala, Pamwenafye I. Nanhapo, Osmund D. Mwandemele, 山根浩二, 飯嶋盛雄

3. 渡邊芳倫, 阿部進, 菊野日出彦, Sunday Obalum, Robert. Asiedu, 若月利之
平成23年 8月、『日本土壌肥料学会』、15-4、筑波

4. 渡邊芳倫, 阿部進, 菊野日出彦, Sunday Obalum, Robert Asiedu, Igbaifua Wilson, 若月利之
平成22年 9月、『日本土壌肥料学会』、15-20、札幌

5. 渡邊芳倫, Adeniyi Agboola, 山上太郎, 若月利之

6. 渡邊芳倫, Adeniyi Agboola, Peter K., Oviasuyi, 若月利之

7. 渡邊芳倫, 山上太郎, A. Agboola, P.K. Oviasuyi, O.O. Fashola, 若月利之

8. 渡邊芳倫, 増永 二之, Fashola Omotola Oluwarotimi, Agboola Adeniyi, Oviasuy K. Peter, 若月 利之
「ナイジェリア北部の人工林において土壌硬度がEucalyptus camaldulensisの根の分布および成長に及ぼす影響」

9. 渡邊芳倫, 増永二之, E. Owusu-Sekyere, M. M. Buri, 若月利之

10. 渡邊芳倫, Fashola Oluwarotimi O. ,Oviasuyi Peter K., 増永二之, 若月利之

11. 渡邊芳倫, E. Owusu-Sekyere,M. M. Buri, 増永二之, 若月利之
「ガーナ・アシャンティ州におけるチーク(Tectona grandis L.)人工林の成長と土壌理化学性の関係」

12. 渡邊芳倫, オウス セチレイ エベネーザ, M.M.ブリ, 増永二之, 若月利之

13. 渡邊芳倫, O.O.Fashola, P.K.Oviasuyi, 増永二之, 若月利之

14. 渡邊芳倫, 増永二之, 若月利之

15. 渡邊芳倫, G.O.B.Dada,O.O.Fashola,増永二之,若月利之

16. 渡邊芳倫
「アフリカ、サヘル地域の緑化プロジェクト 青年海外協力隊8年半の報告」