研究1 インドネシアの急傾斜コ園における不耕起とアレ−クロッピングによる土壌浸食防止効果Erosion Control on a Steep Sloped Coffee Field in Indonesia with Alley Cropping, Intercropped Vegetables, and No-Tillage




(In a hilly area in Lampung State, the southern end of Sumatra Island in Indonesia, coffee is commonly cultivated on hillsides with steep slopes and soil erosion affects sustainable coffee production. A field experiment on coffee cultivation was conducted for 4 years to evaluate the effects of alley cropping and no-tillage on the seed production of coffee and on erosion control in a steep slope area in this region. The result of this research indicate that alley cropping and no-tillage are effective for erosion control on coffee fields on steep slopes and that yield is not affected by these practices. The introduction of intercropped vegetables is beneficial in terms of farm economy, especially when the income from coffee cultivation is limited. Published in Iijima et al, 2003, Plant Production Science 6: 224-229.)


研究2 インドネシア国スマトラ島におけるキャッサバ間作体系:生産性、土壌浸食と根系発達

Cassava-Based Intercropping Systems on Sumatra Island in Indonesia: Productivity, Soil Erosion, and Rooting Zone


インドネシア共和国スマトラ島の南端に位置するグヌンバチン地区では緩傾斜地においてデンプン加工用のキャッサバ栽培が盛んに行われている。当地ではキャッサバ単作あるいは陸稲やトウモロコシとの間作栽培が行われており、政府が奨励する地力維持を目指したマメ科作物を含むキャッサバ間作栽培は農家圃場では全く実践されていない。本研究では、当地において最も有効な作付け体系を明らかにすることを目的として、農家が実践する作付け(2種類)と政府奨励の体系ならびにそれに改良を加えた体系 (提案体系2種類) 合計5つの作付け処理区を設け、キャッサバ単作地帯において3ヵ年にわたる圃場試験実施した本研究結果から、土壌浸食防止効果と地力維持の観点も併せて考慮すれば、提案した間作体系は長期的な農家経済にとって有効であると結論できる


(In Gunung Batin, the southern end of Sumatra Island, Indonesia, cassava is widely cultivated on gently sloping areas for starch materials. The monoculture system and/or the intercropping system without legume plants commonly adopted in this region may tend to accelerate soil degradation. The objective of this study is to compare the productivity among several cassava cropping patterns to propose the most beneficial one in this region. A field experiment of five cropping patterns {cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) single-cropping, three cassava-based intercropping patterns, and a crop rotation} was conducted for three years.  The results of this research lead to the conclusion that the proposed cassava cropping system would be the most beneficial in terms of economy and control of soil erosion. Published in Iijima et al, 2004, Plant Production Science 7: 347-355.)


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